Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who Watches this Garbage

The hags on the view strike again. But this time they had Bill O'Reilly on and he held his own against these wind bags:

Part 1

and Part 2

I love how O'Reilly picks on the way they acted when McCain came in, especially Joy and Babawawa. Of course Joy had to put a jab in against Fox News. That is so old already! And Sherri bringing up that Obama is crying that Fox News isn't toeing his line. Fox News is the only News Outlet that is not worshiping at the shrine of Obama, so what get over it!
And what is up with Barbara making a big deal about the way Bill treated Elmer Fudd when he was on a few weeks back? He deserved it and more for what he did but she and that insufferable Joy were all up in arms over it. They really need to take a look at what is going on.
I think it would do them good to read Orson Scott Card's article Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn on the Lights? I highly recommend this article, everyone should read it.

And while we are watching clips here is John Murtha sticking his other foot in his mouth when he tried to clear up his racist comment:

By the way, I'm now listening to Hannity and Colmes playing on my TV and they are talking about Murtha's "redneck" comment and Alan Colmes is trying to rationalize it. He's just asked the guy running against him if maybe in the past there were rednecks in that area so it's actually true. Is he serious? OK I will be the first to admit that my husband is a redneck, his neck couldn't be any more red. LOL and no he's not voting for Obama but not because he's a racist (because he's not) he's not voting for him because he doesn't like his policies, especially when it comes to the military and especially the whole pull out of Iraq in 16 months. He believes that by giving them a date when most of our guys (and gals) are out of there we are giving the terrorists a date. They will know that all they have to do is lay low until said date and then unleash when our military is at it's weakest there and then what? Do we start over from where we were pre-surge, and lose more lives? It would be like taking two steps forward and then ten steps back.
But I digress. I am so sick of these politicians labeling people that are not supporting the chosen one as racist, redneck (like it's a bad thing!), intolerant. (By the way Pennsylvanians you are now racist, gun-toting, bible thumping, intolerant rednecks). I've posted some articles before and you can do a search and find thousands of articles, most claiming that John McCain and Sarah Palin are racist for a variety of reason, they winked, he said socialist, she said terrorist and on and on. Well I think Joe Biden said it perfectly when he said they protest too much:

And while he is talking about walking like a duck and talking like a duck and all that then how about Ayers, Wright, Rezko and the rest?
I thought this little clip was good at highlighting that:

Sure Joe let's bring that up.

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