Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Self Sufficiency

This one speaks for itself...

And that is the definition of socialism.

And there is this totally slanted piece but what more can you expect from Andrea Mitchell?

The part that gets me is the college student crying to Obama. OK let me pull out the world's smallest violin here. I am all about people going to college, but since when is it a right? How many people in this country have busted their ass to put themselves through school? How many people have taken out student loans or worked their butts off in school to get scholarships and plugged along and did what they had to do. I'm sorry that this girl didn't get scholarships to pay for her tuition and I'm sorry that she thinks she's above going to a school that doesn't charge so much that even after grants she's $24,000 in debt for what two years at the most (she says she's 19) and I'm also sorry that she didn't have a college fund set up. But plenty of people have been in the same situation as her and plenty of people have put their big girl panties on and dealt with it. And speaking as someone who has delayed going to school because I couldn't afford to pay for it and who now works full time and goes to school full time so I can afford to keep going, I don't care for her sob story. Go cry someone else a river. Show some character and help yourself instead of expecting the government and everyone else (who has already helped themselves) help you. You can start by getting a job, sure it's not as much fun to have to work while you are at school and yeah it really does make it harder but there are hundreds of thousands of people that have done it.

Self sufficiency, try it!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Right on! I totally don't get why some people think certain things are "rights."

And big girl panties! LMAO!