Monday, October 6, 2008

I love this place!

I must say that I really really like where I live. Not too big not too small (for the most part) and close enough to the ATL that we can go there when we need our big city fix. I love how friendly people in the real south are too. I say real south because I'm from Florida, geographically more south than the real south but a totally different world! I swear once you cross the state line it's totally different.
I had my apprehensions about moving here. I was worried about how it was going to be, would it be boring and then I thought, hell nothing could be more boring than the Arizona desert! And hour from civilization! I fell in love my first day here and almost 6 years later I still love it.
I was prompted to write about my love for the south and Georgia and Columbia County in particular because I just had such a good experience at the Board of Elections this afternoon. I went at lunch to register to vote on the last day possible before the election because I forgot about the deadline and that it was today.(Yes I finally decided to go ahead and vote in GA instead of sending in another absentee ballot to be thrown away). I dreaded going down there, I had visions of long lines, bitchy people, grumpy, unhelpful employees, but was greeted with the complete opposite.
They had tables set up outside (It was a gorgeous day!) with forms and pens. One of the ladies that worked there greeted me and handed me what I needed and one of the gentlemen that worked there pulled a seat up for me. Everyone had smiles on their faces and were exceptionally nice. Amazing! It's things like that that make me realize I'm not in Miami anymore and then I just smile.

This is the first post I'm making from my new computer. YAY! I'm so happy, it's super cute, I love the designs on it and the features I've figured out so far are pretty nifty (I like that word). But I have been a horrible parent in the process of getting it. After work I picked up my son and just HAD to get my nails done. It's been over due but yesterday I broke one loading the old dog's food in the truck and I couldn't wait anymore. So we sat around and waited at the nail salon (they serve snacks though so little man was content) and then we just had to run clear across town to Best Buy to pick up the new laptop cause my husband was sick this morning and didn't make it down there. We didn't get home till bedtime so I know he's going to be grumpy tomorrow but he'll get over it.

Now I'm going to go eat my pizza and then take one of my finals. Wish me luck!

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