Monday, October 20, 2008

A Couple of Clips

Here is a funny one. Notice what the guy calls Biden when he's introduced LOL:

And speaking of Biden, listen to what he had to say:

He guarantees there is going to be a crisis within the first 6 months of an Obama presidency? If there isn't a better reason to vote for McCain then I don't know what. Like I've been saying for month, we aren't going to need any of the crap Obama promises us if we are blown to bits. And now his runing mate is promising us a crisis within 6 months? That's just scary. Actually I don't think I want to have to wait the 6 months, vote McCain and we probably won't get blown up.


Sarah said...

"vote McCain and we probably won't get blown up."

That line made me laugh so hard! It should be his new campaign slogal LOL

Roxy said...

Yes that's my slogan whenever we talk about what would happen under an Obama presidency. That and, "Who needs (insert whatever Obama is promising) if we get blown up?" I really like that one.