Thursday, October 16, 2008

Take that Foot Out of Your Mouth

So people of PA aren't just bitter gun toting, bible thumpers, according to Murtha they are also racist. OK. Nice. He represents these people??
Why is it the dems that keep bringing up the issue of race, from the nominee on down.

This clip is absolutely classic!

How can these people trash Sarah Palin and call her dumb and an idiot when this guy can't even count to 4?

And I found this parody which is totally worth the watch, it's really funny:

And today I felt the need to send an email to Shep Smith again. To let him know what a moron he can be sometimes. He did some idiotic little bit making light (and fun) of "Joe the Plumber" and at the end he says that Joe isn't really a plumber cause he works for someone who is and that Joe isn't even his real name. So I had to point out the fact that just because he works for someone that's a plumber doesn't mean he's not a plumber himself and that Joe is his middle name so what sense does it make for a man who goes by his middle name to point out that another man that goes by his middle name doesn't go by his "real name". I used to think Shep was the cat's meow but lately I can't stand to watch him. Seems like since the economic crisis started he's been nothing but doom and gloom and he's gone downhill from there. to be honest I haven't even watched him in a couple of weeks because I just can't stomach him anymore. The only reason he was on tonight is because I flipped the news on out of habit. And that came on within 5 minutes. How typical. I used to think he was fair at reporting the news but now he sticks in his two cents more and more and he's starting to sound like all the others. When he used to say he doesn't have a horse in this race I believed him but lately, I don't believe that anymore.

I also made sure to point out that like the rest of the MSM he is completely missing the point of the exchange and that is Obama's socialist plan of "spreading the wealth around". That's a perfectly valid point that should be the focus and not these attacks on Joe. It's typical, they've been doing it for how long now, here is someone that came out and publicly pointed out what Obama was doing and what do they do? They attack him and try to discredit him. But the fact still remains that Obama wants to "spread the wealth around". Of course now he says that he was misunderstood. Yes of course he was, that's what he told him that's what he explained to him but yet he was misunderstood. I don't buy that for a minute.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

OMG! That video is so funny, I'm so glad you posted it!!