Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Final Debate..random

And I am watching with one eye open!

OK I'm liking the first question, actually asking why their economic plan is better than the other's. (Obama looks like a child being schooled when McCain talks). McCain is finally explaining himself better about his economic plan and keeping people in their homes. Obama brings up wanting to end tax cuts for companies sending jobs overseas. This would be the perfect time for McCain to bring up that raising their taxes would cause them to ship more jobs overseas and lose more jobs.
Yes! McCain brought up the Joe the plumber!

And Obama makes another snide comment about him watching McCain ads. Nope it came out of your mouth dude. And he's back on his tired old tax cut for 95% of Americans. Mac, you need to bring up that poor people don't employ people. Oh and by the way Obama Joe wasn't happy with your answer!

WOOOOO HOOOOO McCain brings up the spread the wealth around comment!!!! OMG Where has this McCain been the last couple of months! And he's bringing up taxing the companies that are going to create the jobs. That's right Mac remind them that these businesses he wants to raise taxes on are the ones that create jobs.

More blah blah blah from Obama, more talking points. I love how he says we all have to live within our means. You are right there! We do have to live within our means and the rich shouldn't have to give their money away so other people can live above thiers.
You know what I hate? How Obama snickers when McCain busts him out on his pork barrel spending. And I hate when he tries to say that ear marks aren't a big deal.
McCain needs to point out that he's not Bush and different ideas.
And there goes Obama snickering again as McCain is talking, he's so arrogant.
Awwww Obama brought up Fox News again! 8 more years, quit saying that!

OOOOOH here comes the Bill Ayers moment! This is good! Awesome McCain is calling them out on being called a racist!! You go boy!! And pointing out that Obama has spent more money on negative campaigns! And that he lied about public financing!

HEY OBAMA Isn't repudiating Lewis, and worse yet he says that the public doesn't care about their hurt feelings. What an ass!! And America can't afford 4 more years of being called racists!

OOOOOHHHH McCain called him out for not repudiating Lewis and now he's still not, he's talking around it and play it down! I am so glad McCain is totally calling him out on it and defending his supporters!! And Obama can do nothing but stutter! OK so Obama had to change the subject because he had no comeback there.
And now he's bringing up Acorn! AWESOME!

I think that someone needs to remind Obama that the people he associates with says a lot about him. Also, if he's going to say that something that someone did when he was 8 has no bearing on him then that goes for good things too, not just bad. And he's playing down ACORN, he is only involved with them because he represented them once. Forget that his campaign gave them $800,000.

OK about the VP's, McCain needs to say that he doesn't need his VP to have the foreign policy experience, or all the experience for this matter, in the ticket because he has that himself. LOL

LMBO McCain should have said that Biden is more qualified than Obama! HAHA

So Obama wants to drill now? And use or lose drill sites? Is that really such a good idea?
Yes Obama we did invent the auto industry and then the unions killed it. Have fun with the EFCA!

And now he's being schooled on free trade again. Oh and great bringing up schooling people for new jobs, he needs to pound on that more, bring up Obama's idea of jobs - road workers, that is great!
Oh he's bringing up labor bosses, now is the time for McCain to bring up EFCA. He HAS to bring it up, it would be great!

Obama, seems to me like he wants to seem like the person that brings the world together to sing Kumbaya with the people that are going to try to blow us up as soon as we get in our sleeping bags!

Obama just said that his health care plan is going to cost in the short term. Really? Cause in case you haven't noticed we don't really have money. Oh yeah and McCain knows about the VA because that's where he would get his health care, not where Obama does. Cause Obama didn't think that joining the military was important.
All McCain has to say now is say, remember all the stories about the shortfalls of military health care? Is that what you want?

YES! I am so glad that he's saying that roe v. wade is not what he would base his decision for nominees to the Supreme Court. Good answer! But what's up with Bob bringing up the fact that he wants to overturn roe v. wade, good for Mac for saying it should be up to the states and shutting him up. What was up with that little berating of him? Obama will not provide a litmus test BUT.... yeah he would. You know what I agree with McCain, that's not important when it comes to nominating justices, there are a lot of things out there that are more important out there that affect me more than that.

Oh here we got Obama wants to make college affordable now. SHUT UP!!!! There are so many people out there who work their way through. and by the way military service is not community service, it's much more than that, it's giving your whole life over to defending your country, not going down to the hospital for 100 hours a year for $4000 by the way that would be $40 an hour, that's a really good living, hmmm...but I digress, I'm sick of him comparing military service to community service, the difference is night and day, it doesn't even compare, it shouldn't even be mentioned in the same scope.

By the way we do need reform in our education system because if we spend the most money on education then why are we so behind in reading and math and all that? There is clearly something wrong there. LOL I love when McCain says, because there aren't enough vouchers we shouldn't do it even though it's working "Got it" LOL that was awesome. Obama has that attitude about a lot of things though.

OMG in his closing remarks Obama keeps on linking McCain to Bush. I am so sick of him comparing them, more of the same blah blah blah, shut up!

All in all this was the best debate. I just wish that McCain would have been this lively in the other two debates.


Sarah said...

Good stuff!

BTW, I didn't know you were going to blog the VP joke, it's going to look bad if we both use it! LOL

Roxy said...

LOL, It's not a joke Sarah, it's the truth!

Sarah said...

LOL! So it is...