Friday, October 24, 2008

Watching too much CNN

Ellen on Sarah Palin being against gay marriage:

Sarah Palin and Joe Biden on gay marriage during the VP Debate:

So Biden and Obama both have the same view as Sarah Palin when it comes to gay marriage (they are all against defining it as marriage but not opposed to civil unions) but Ellen only has a problem with Sarah Palin's stance.
By the way Ellen, that law in Alaska was signed by Gov. Palin.

I just had to get that out because I have heard it from some friends and on TV and then today I saw that Ellen said that. They all have the same stance but you're only going to call out one nominee? OK.... Makes me think that these people don't know what they are voting for.

Another example. Matt Damon, man of genius:

I'm under the impression that the idiotic comment he makes about Sarah Palin believing in dinosaurs roaming the earth 10,000 years ago has to do with her religious beliefs. Because apparently if you believe in the Bible you must also believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth 10,000 years ago??? OK that in itself is dumb enough.
But sorry Matt, Gov. Palin is not as dumb as you would hope (or as you, for that matter). She does believe that the theory of evolution should be taught at school so obviously she doesn't believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth 10,000 years ago. Oh and by the way, that list to ban books, bogus:

And on the issue of band books, check out's section on Urban Legends. She supposedly gave the librarian that list in 1996, before the Harry Potter books that are listed were even published. Nice try anyway.

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