Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate 2 Very Very Random

I was thinking of giving my thoughts as the debate was going on.

Is it just me or were the first two questions pretty much the same?
And I loved how Obama had no idea who he would appoint as Secretary of the Treasury LOL. Imagine that, They made a big deal about Sarah Palin not saying where she got her news but he doesn't even know who he'd appoint and just went off subject.

Ooooh cheap shot from Obama. He has to correct McCain "not surprisingly"

So when Obama says we are going to make sure that people stay in their homes and can pay their bills does that mean we are going to pay it for them? What exactly does Obama mean by that?

Ok when answering the first question Obama said that he was going to make sure that we had road and bridge projects so that Americans can keep their jobs and be employed. Ummmm. When exactly was the last time Obama drove by road construction? Because around here most of the workers on these road and bridge projects are Mexican. LOL

Question 3: I'd like to know how much the budget has increased in the last 2 years since the Dems took over the Congress. Blaming everything on the Republicans.

What exactly is your energy plan Obama? What exactly is he cutting for all this spending?
What is at the top of Obama's priority list: Energy, good one! We don't have gas! What are you going to do about that? How are we going to be free of Mid Eastern Oil? HOW?? Health care, yeah yeah it's broken, what are you going to do. Education? What are we going to do about Education?

Hey Obama a big corporation employees me and tens of thousands of others, if you hike their taxes they'll have less money and cut back on jobs!

McCain is talking about ear marks but I just don't think he hammers it home enough. He lost so many opportunities, he was way too passive. He really needs to be more forceful about what is wrong with obama's plan and how his plan is better. he also needs to point out how the dems are the ones that got us in this mess with their backing of freddie and fannie going back to the last administration. He really needs to get more animated about what he has to say.

So what does 9/11 have to do with spending? Obama is going to tie it up for us. But I'm confused, what does what President Bush said after 9/11 have to do with now and the future? Military families and the troops compared to the Peace Corp? come again, how exactly?? I'm confused again

Share the burden? Of course people that make more money live high on the hog, they make more money! They did what they had to do to make it. I wish someone would point out how he's talking socialism! Come on McCain call him out on it! Forget that it's not fair for poor people to bear the burden, how is it fair that successful people have to give up more of their money?
And when Obama says that 95% of people will get a tax cut does that also mean the people that don't pay taxes now? You are just going to throw more money their way? They are the ones using the entitlement programs that we pay with our tax money and they don't pay taxes (cause they get it all back) and are you going to throw more money their way?

LOL McCain brought up Herbert Hoover, remember the Hoover camps? yeah, I wasn't around then either but that would be pretty dramatic. McCain nails Obama on tax increases on small business LOL that is so true! Those people that own small businesses pay their business expenses from their income and on top of that they are going to be taxed more.

OK Obama is going around his rear end to get to his point. Actually I don't think he has any real points, other than talking points.
So when he says that drilling is not the answer then what are we going to do until we come up with the alternative. Come to GA for a week and see how we have to scout out gas stations that have gas, and then say drilling is not the answer. What is the answer for NOW then? I'm getting pretty tired of having to stop when I find gas somewhere just in case I can't find any later when I really need it.
Thank you McCain for saying that drilling is vital! Vital to build the bridge! YES!

LMBO Health care: Obama says you can purchase the health care they enjoy as fed. employees. I wonder if their health care is anything like the health care I get as a military dependent because if it is then I don't want it. What a joke. The waits for appointments and to get prescriptions filled is just ridiculous! having to go to the ER because you can't get in to see your doctor when you are sick for like a week or having like a hundred different doctors and your primary care physician changing without notice, on a whim. I wonder if that's the health care they would be able to buy. Oh and if it is I hope they aren't paying less than I'm paying for it now.

Let's get on with this show. Thank you Senator McCain for pointing out how our country is good and we have defended other nations even with all our warts. And he was right about the surge. If we give them a set timetable for withdrawal does he Obama not think that the terrorists are just going to sit back and wait till we are leaving? And then as there are less and less troops there it will get ugly, our guys will be at a great disadvantage. But as long as we are getting out of there who cares. And if Obama brings up the past and what's done again I'm going to scream. We know you didn't want to go in there. Fine we get it but the truth of the matter is that we are there and now we have to deal with it the right way. Not just arbitrarily pull out because you don't believe we should be there or because it's the popular thing to say on your side of the aisle. You need to think not only of the lives and safety of our soldiers and citizens but also of the Iraqi people that will be left with a vacuum of power for any nutcase to seize control. Think Afghanistan after we wiped our hands of them when the Russians were sent packing. Yeah remember Bin Laden and the Taliban? Where and how do you think they took hold?

I wanted to finish this with McCain's last answer because I thought that was so telling. Where Obama was talking down our country McCain was saying how he thought our country was great and that he had hope for our country. When the transcripts come up I'll post it.
By the way did anyone else notice that anytime Obama said anything good about our country he immediately followed it with a but? Doesn't' that negate the statement? lol

All in all I must say this debate was super boring, we've heard everything before, all those questions have been asked. Whoever picked the questions to be asked should have done a better job, pick more specific questions or something. It was pretty lame.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

you paid way more attention than I did, but as you know I kept getting interrupted!! That and falling asleep LOL All good points though...of course no one will ever question it and we'll end up with Barack Castro at the wheel.