Monday, October 27, 2008

Little Tidbit of Information

I really hope that the great people of Massachusettes have the where-with-all to not vote Barney Frank (Elmer Fudd) back for another term. I really don't know how anyone can take that man seriously (for starters) and how, after all the mess that he persided over, they can let him stay in and ruin us even more.
I'm sure you have heard by now where he said that we need to cut military spending by 25%:

After the November election, Democrats will push for a second economic stimulus package that includes money for the states' stalled infrastructure projects, along with help paying for healthcare expenses, food stamps and extended unemployment benefits, U.S. Rep. Barney Frank said Thursday.

In a meeting with the editorial board of The Standard-Times, Rep. Frank, D-Mass., also called for a 25 percent cut in military spending, saying the Pentagon has to start choosing from its many weapons programs, and that upper-income taxpayers are going to see an increase in what they are asked to pay.

The military cuts also mean getting out of Iraq sooner, he said.

"The people of Iraq want us out, and we want to stay over their objection," he said. "It's extraordinary." The Maliki government in Iraq "can't sell (the withdrawal deal with the U.S.) because it sounds like we're going to stay too long."

"I was teasing (U.S. Rep.) Jack Murtha (a key supporter of military budgets) and I said to him, 'For the first time, somebody else has got a bill that's almost as big as yours.' We don't need all these fancy new weapons. I think there needs to be additional review."

How can anyone believe it is a good idea to cut military spending when we face the kinds of threats that we do now? How can anyone believe it is a good idea to cut military spending when our troops are in harms way on two fronts? Does he really believe that by cutting military spending by 25% that would make us get out of Iraq sooner? And if it does it wouldn't be on our terms, it would be a quick withdrawal because we dont have the money to be there and I think this would be even worse than Obama's misguided withdrawal date.
And how can he say that the Pentagon needs to pick between it's weapon's programs? Don't we want them to look into as many systems as they can to find the one that will best defend our troops in combat and us here at home?
He thinks "we don't need all these fancy new weapons"? Is he serious? What does he want our guys to go out with some revolutionary era bayonetts or something? Or better yet some rocks and sling shots? Or maybe spears. Our troops need to stay on top of the technology. They need to have the best of what is available to them so that they can get their job done and come home safe. How can we, in good consience, send them into harm's way with nothing but the best we can afford them? These very brave men and women go into harms way so that low-life POS's like Elmer Fudd there can sit back and try to cut their funding.
As part of a military family, I take it as an offense that this cartoon character of a person would even suggest this.
If they do cut spending by 25% and the military is forced to abandon some of their weapon's programs then maybe we should consider using Elmer Fudd as a human shield when we go into combat, our guys can just stand behind him with their slingshots at the ready.
By the way it's not just weapon's systems that the military budget supports. That includes all the morale and welfare money and pay.

By the way. I'm also getting really sick and tired of Obama and his camp saying that Bush only cut taxes for the rich. The Army Dude and I were talking about this the other day and I made the comment that I believed we paid lower taxes since Bush than we did before and he said we did. So I looked it up and sure enough. Bush didn't just cut taxes on the rich, he cut taxes for just about everyone. In 2000 we were in the 28% bracket in 2008 we are in the 25%. Let me tell you we are FAR from rich, so I don't buy the claim that only the rich have been helped. In fact, the lowest percentage in 2000 was 15%. Bush cut that down and now in 2008 it's 10%. that's 5%. Of course you don't hear about that part when they are shoving their talking points down our throats.

And finally. This is just sick. I debated if I should show the picture and I am because I want people to see just how hateful and nasty people can be:

It is just sick. And it's not a hate crime by the way. But the police dept. said that if it was an effigy of Obama hanging then it would have to be looked into to see it's a hate crime, because they are evaluated on a case by case basis. All hell would break lose and then it would be a hate crime. That is beyond hateful and if it would be consider hate for one then it should for another.

Granma America

Saturday I posted the clip of the Joe Biden interview. How dare this Florida anchor ask such tough questions!?
Not surprisingly the interview that was supposed to take place later with the Senator's wife was canceled and then the Obama campaign put out a statement that pretty much says that the station will not be able to interview the ticket until at least the election. Wow! That's really telling actually. If you go off the campaign script they'll just freeze you out.
Isn't that what happens in countries like, oh I don't know, Cuba?
What do you think the American State News service will be named?

I must say that Shep Smith has redeemed himself, ever so slightly LOL, today. Not only did he have "Joe the Plumber" on Studio B this afternoon (and didn't openly mock him like he has done) but he actually had some pretty harsh words about the Obama campaign cutting off access to that Orlando station for asking tough questions.

Here is the latest audio clip of Obama's to surface. This one comes from a 2001 interview. He was already talking about redistribution back then. It's got Fox and Friends commentary:

And of course the Obama campaign response to this little nugget of information was to attack none other than Fox News. Never mind that he said it or that Fox wasn't the one that broke the story but how dare they at Fox broadcast anything that does not show the one in the best of lights?
Here is a clip of Megyn Kelly giving Bill Burton a piece of her mind. It's so typical.
It's a little bit long but it's really worth the watch:

I must say that I was not a big fan of Megyn Kelly but in the last couple of months she has really impressed me.
But someone needs to tell them at Fox to watch out because they'll be the first ones to have their access cut off if Obama is coronated.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

When the Tables Turn

So what happens when the tables turn and Joe Biden is the one asked the hard questions?

He gets pissed and acts like a jerk with the reporter. Wow, can you imagine if he had to sit through the interviews that Sarah Palin has had to. Or if Sarah Palin had behaved this way for an interview?
And how does the campaign respond? By denying access to the Senator's wife who was supposed to have an interview with the same station later, according to Hal Boedeker.

I especially loved the part when he said that whoever was elected president Obama "and/or" McCain, would be tested? And/or? OK Senator.

Updated to add: I found this article from another journalist that thinks the media bias is ridiculous. It's a little long but really worth reading.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Jeri Thompson

Fred Thompson's beautiful wife, Jeri, was on Hannity and Colmes last night talking about Team Sarah when Alan brings up Sarah Palin's clothes. Typical that they attack her for something superficial. But Jeri is awesome! She hit right back at him and set him straight. Watch the clip, she's really good. And sign up at Team Sarah.

Don't Tax Me Signs

My honey showed me his sign last night and sent me the link. You can go to to make your own sign.

I'm waiting for mine to get to my email inbox and then I'm putting it up in my front window right next to the Army Dude's. Hmm I like that name for him!

Watching too much CNN

Ellen on Sarah Palin being against gay marriage:

Sarah Palin and Joe Biden on gay marriage during the VP Debate:

So Biden and Obama both have the same view as Sarah Palin when it comes to gay marriage (they are all against defining it as marriage but not opposed to civil unions) but Ellen only has a problem with Sarah Palin's stance.
By the way Ellen, that law in Alaska was signed by Gov. Palin.

I just had to get that out because I have heard it from some friends and on TV and then today I saw that Ellen said that. They all have the same stance but you're only going to call out one nominee? OK.... Makes me think that these people don't know what they are voting for.

Another example. Matt Damon, man of genius:

I'm under the impression that the idiotic comment he makes about Sarah Palin believing in dinosaurs roaming the earth 10,000 years ago has to do with her religious beliefs. Because apparently if you believe in the Bible you must also believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth 10,000 years ago??? OK that in itself is dumb enough.
But sorry Matt, Gov. Palin is not as dumb as you would hope (or as you, for that matter). She does believe that the theory of evolution should be taught at school so obviously she doesn't believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth 10,000 years ago. Oh and by the way, that list to ban books, bogus:

And on the issue of band books, check out's section on Urban Legends. She supposedly gave the librarian that list in 1996, before the Harry Potter books that are listed were even published. Nice try anyway.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

All of us at the office came to the concensus this afternoon that it felt like Friday. Actually, that we wished it was Friday. Almost there!

So my little brother voted in his first election and of course he voted for McCain. I'm so proud!! I guess there is hope for him, I've always joked that he was "the one" in the family (you know there's one in every family) because he was the only FSU fan in a house of Hurricanes but I guess there is hope for him yet!

To all the Sarah Palin fans, visit Team Sarah and sign up.

And because I thought the Random Rant clip was so good, here is why he's voting for McCain/Palin:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Random Rant

My honey sent me this video today. It's really good. This is what I'm talking about!

Who Watches this Garbage

The hags on the view strike again. But this time they had Bill O'Reilly on and he held his own against these wind bags:

Part 1

and Part 2

I love how O'Reilly picks on the way they acted when McCain came in, especially Joy and Babawawa. Of course Joy had to put a jab in against Fox News. That is so old already! And Sherri bringing up that Obama is crying that Fox News isn't toeing his line. Fox News is the only News Outlet that is not worshiping at the shrine of Obama, so what get over it!
And what is up with Barbara making a big deal about the way Bill treated Elmer Fudd when he was on a few weeks back? He deserved it and more for what he did but she and that insufferable Joy were all up in arms over it. They really need to take a look at what is going on.
I think it would do them good to read Orson Scott Card's article Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn on the Lights? I highly recommend this article, everyone should read it.

And while we are watching clips here is John Murtha sticking his other foot in his mouth when he tried to clear up his racist comment:

By the way, I'm now listening to Hannity and Colmes playing on my TV and they are talking about Murtha's "redneck" comment and Alan Colmes is trying to rationalize it. He's just asked the guy running against him if maybe in the past there were rednecks in that area so it's actually true. Is he serious? OK I will be the first to admit that my husband is a redneck, his neck couldn't be any more red. LOL and no he's not voting for Obama but not because he's a racist (because he's not) he's not voting for him because he doesn't like his policies, especially when it comes to the military and especially the whole pull out of Iraq in 16 months. He believes that by giving them a date when most of our guys (and gals) are out of there we are giving the terrorists a date. They will know that all they have to do is lay low until said date and then unleash when our military is at it's weakest there and then what? Do we start over from where we were pre-surge, and lose more lives? It would be like taking two steps forward and then ten steps back.
But I digress. I am so sick of these politicians labeling people that are not supporting the chosen one as racist, redneck (like it's a bad thing!), intolerant. (By the way Pennsylvanians you are now racist, gun-toting, bible thumping, intolerant rednecks). I've posted some articles before and you can do a search and find thousands of articles, most claiming that John McCain and Sarah Palin are racist for a variety of reason, they winked, he said socialist, she said terrorist and on and on. Well I think Joe Biden said it perfectly when he said they protest too much:

And while he is talking about walking like a duck and talking like a duck and all that then how about Ayers, Wright, Rezko and the rest?
I thought this little clip was good at highlighting that:

Sure Joe let's bring that up.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's Here...

My Halloween costume that is! And it is so cute! Now I'm really excited about Halloween, there is nothing like getting the costume to get me in the mood for real. Tonight we'll be bringing down the decorations (of which we have more than Christmas decorations) and I'll start decorating tomorrow evening. I can't wait!
About this costume, it's short, really short. It gives me a lot of motivation to work out like crazy for the next week and a half. I'm also trying to decide what shoes I should wear with it, T-strap heels or knee high boots? That is the question of the year! LOL and it's a critical decision, these things really matter. LOL

On to more serious matters. I got so mad while I was reading my Political Theory book today. I knew from the get go that it was going to be a really biased book and it has not disappointed. It is just ridiculous what it says about conservatives (and how conservatives invaded and occupied Iraq in 2001, yes that's right 2001!) and how Libertarians are the extreme of the right and that they want to go back to giving the wealthy all their wealth and power so that they can once again oppress the poor. What??? Seriously? That's not what Libertarians stand for, they just want government out of our business and that's really not such a bad thing. I think this person needs to have his head examined. Needless to say I got a lot of reading done but I was fuming the whole time LOL.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Couple of Clips

Here is a funny one. Notice what the guy calls Biden when he's introduced LOL:

And speaking of Biden, listen to what he had to say:

He guarantees there is going to be a crisis within the first 6 months of an Obama presidency? If there isn't a better reason to vote for McCain then I don't know what. Like I've been saying for month, we aren't going to need any of the crap Obama promises us if we are blown to bits. And now his runing mate is promising us a crisis within 6 months? That's just scary. Actually I don't think I want to have to wait the 6 months, vote McCain and we probably won't get blown up.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Coming Out of the Haze

I've spent the weekend, except for a couple of hours here and there, in another drug induced haze. I got my last wisdom tooth pulled on Friday (it only took 4 years and 9 months since the first) and since then I've been in and out of it. It actually still hurts now and in a little while I'm going to take another pill and go back to bed. I don't know why it's been harder to get over this one.

One of the times that I was lucid was to take little man to a birthday party. Since when do parents just drop their kids off at birthday parties and take off? When I was growing up mom would take me to some one's birthday party and up until I was like in middle school, she would stay along with the other parents that brought their kids. But here were kids ranging in age from 6 to 8 and half the parents just dropped their kids off and didn't come back till the party was over. How rude! That's never happened at one of little man's parties and that's probably a good thing because I would straight up tell the parents that this is a birthday party not a baby sitting service.

While I've been out of it I had the TV on and I heard little snippets here and there. First of all The New York Times should be ashamed, publishing such a nasty story about Cindy McCain. Could you imagine the outrage had that article been about Michelle Obama? The double standard is just sickening. And of course Collin Powell endorsed Obama which did not surprise me at all. What he said to the press afterwards made no sense to me. Even in my haze I thought it was just bizarre, I don't know if he's really paying attention to the campaigns because McCain never called Obama a terrorist and Obama and his supporters have been every bit as negative. Anyway my honey said something about that. He said that Powell went in front of the UN and congress telling of why we had to go to war and now he's backing the person that says we shouldn't have been there and that wants to cut and run. What does that mean?

Anyway, I'm going back to bed now. I have to actually get up and go to work tomorrow so I'm going to enjoy the last few hours :o)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Take that Foot Out of Your Mouth

So people of PA aren't just bitter gun toting, bible thumpers, according to Murtha they are also racist. OK. Nice. He represents these people??
Why is it the dems that keep bringing up the issue of race, from the nominee on down.

This clip is absolutely classic!

How can these people trash Sarah Palin and call her dumb and an idiot when this guy can't even count to 4?

And I found this parody which is totally worth the watch, it's really funny:

And today I felt the need to send an email to Shep Smith again. To let him know what a moron he can be sometimes. He did some idiotic little bit making light (and fun) of "Joe the Plumber" and at the end he says that Joe isn't really a plumber cause he works for someone who is and that Joe isn't even his real name. So I had to point out the fact that just because he works for someone that's a plumber doesn't mean he's not a plumber himself and that Joe is his middle name so what sense does it make for a man who goes by his middle name to point out that another man that goes by his middle name doesn't go by his "real name". I used to think Shep was the cat's meow but lately I can't stand to watch him. Seems like since the economic crisis started he's been nothing but doom and gloom and he's gone downhill from there. to be honest I haven't even watched him in a couple of weeks because I just can't stomach him anymore. The only reason he was on tonight is because I flipped the news on out of habit. And that came on within 5 minutes. How typical. I used to think he was fair at reporting the news but now he sticks in his two cents more and more and he's starting to sound like all the others. When he used to say he doesn't have a horse in this race I believed him but lately, I don't believe that anymore.

I also made sure to point out that like the rest of the MSM he is completely missing the point of the exchange and that is Obama's socialist plan of "spreading the wealth around". That's a perfectly valid point that should be the focus and not these attacks on Joe. It's typical, they've been doing it for how long now, here is someone that came out and publicly pointed out what Obama was doing and what do they do? They attack him and try to discredit him. But the fact still remains that Obama wants to "spread the wealth around". Of course now he says that he was misunderstood. Yes of course he was, that's what he told him that's what he explained to him but yet he was misunderstood. I don't buy that for a minute.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One more thing

Remember when Obama said that parents need to turn off the video games. Well guess where THE ONE is running ads now? In video games!

CREEPY!!!! Not to mention hypocritical.

Final Debate..random

And I am watching with one eye open!

OK I'm liking the first question, actually asking why their economic plan is better than the other's. (Obama looks like a child being schooled when McCain talks). McCain is finally explaining himself better about his economic plan and keeping people in their homes. Obama brings up wanting to end tax cuts for companies sending jobs overseas. This would be the perfect time for McCain to bring up that raising their taxes would cause them to ship more jobs overseas and lose more jobs.
Yes! McCain brought up the Joe the plumber!

And Obama makes another snide comment about him watching McCain ads. Nope it came out of your mouth dude. And he's back on his tired old tax cut for 95% of Americans. Mac, you need to bring up that poor people don't employ people. Oh and by the way Obama Joe wasn't happy with your answer!

WOOOOO HOOOOO McCain brings up the spread the wealth around comment!!!! OMG Where has this McCain been the last couple of months! And he's bringing up taxing the companies that are going to create the jobs. That's right Mac remind them that these businesses he wants to raise taxes on are the ones that create jobs.

More blah blah blah from Obama, more talking points. I love how he says we all have to live within our means. You are right there! We do have to live within our means and the rich shouldn't have to give their money away so other people can live above thiers.
You know what I hate? How Obama snickers when McCain busts him out on his pork barrel spending. And I hate when he tries to say that ear marks aren't a big deal.
McCain needs to point out that he's not Bush and different ideas.
And there goes Obama snickering again as McCain is talking, he's so arrogant.
Awwww Obama brought up Fox News again! 8 more years, quit saying that!

OOOOOH here comes the Bill Ayers moment! This is good! Awesome McCain is calling them out on being called a racist!! You go boy!! And pointing out that Obama has spent more money on negative campaigns! And that he lied about public financing!

HEY OBAMA Isn't repudiating Lewis, and worse yet he says that the public doesn't care about their hurt feelings. What an ass!! And America can't afford 4 more years of being called racists!

OOOOOHHHH McCain called him out for not repudiating Lewis and now he's still not, he's talking around it and play it down! I am so glad McCain is totally calling him out on it and defending his supporters!! And Obama can do nothing but stutter! OK so Obama had to change the subject because he had no comeback there.
And now he's bringing up Acorn! AWESOME!

I think that someone needs to remind Obama that the people he associates with says a lot about him. Also, if he's going to say that something that someone did when he was 8 has no bearing on him then that goes for good things too, not just bad. And he's playing down ACORN, he is only involved with them because he represented them once. Forget that his campaign gave them $800,000.

OK about the VP's, McCain needs to say that he doesn't need his VP to have the foreign policy experience, or all the experience for this matter, in the ticket because he has that himself. LOL

LMBO McCain should have said that Biden is more qualified than Obama! HAHA

So Obama wants to drill now? And use or lose drill sites? Is that really such a good idea?
Yes Obama we did invent the auto industry and then the unions killed it. Have fun with the EFCA!

And now he's being schooled on free trade again. Oh and great bringing up schooling people for new jobs, he needs to pound on that more, bring up Obama's idea of jobs - road workers, that is great!
Oh he's bringing up labor bosses, now is the time for McCain to bring up EFCA. He HAS to bring it up, it would be great!

Obama, seems to me like he wants to seem like the person that brings the world together to sing Kumbaya with the people that are going to try to blow us up as soon as we get in our sleeping bags!

Obama just said that his health care plan is going to cost in the short term. Really? Cause in case you haven't noticed we don't really have money. Oh yeah and McCain knows about the VA because that's where he would get his health care, not where Obama does. Cause Obama didn't think that joining the military was important.
All McCain has to say now is say, remember all the stories about the shortfalls of military health care? Is that what you want?

YES! I am so glad that he's saying that roe v. wade is not what he would base his decision for nominees to the Supreme Court. Good answer! But what's up with Bob bringing up the fact that he wants to overturn roe v. wade, good for Mac for saying it should be up to the states and shutting him up. What was up with that little berating of him? Obama will not provide a litmus test BUT.... yeah he would. You know what I agree with McCain, that's not important when it comes to nominating justices, there are a lot of things out there that are more important out there that affect me more than that.

Oh here we got Obama wants to make college affordable now. SHUT UP!!!! There are so many people out there who work their way through. and by the way military service is not community service, it's much more than that, it's giving your whole life over to defending your country, not going down to the hospital for 100 hours a year for $4000 by the way that would be $40 an hour, that's a really good living, hmmm...but I digress, I'm sick of him comparing military service to community service, the difference is night and day, it doesn't even compare, it shouldn't even be mentioned in the same scope.

By the way we do need reform in our education system because if we spend the most money on education then why are we so behind in reading and math and all that? There is clearly something wrong there. LOL I love when McCain says, because there aren't enough vouchers we shouldn't do it even though it's working "Got it" LOL that was awesome. Obama has that attitude about a lot of things though.

OMG in his closing remarks Obama keeps on linking McCain to Bush. I am so sick of him comparing them, more of the same blah blah blah, shut up!

All in all this was the best debate. I just wish that McCain would have been this lively in the other two debates.

Joe the Plumber

Remember the plumber that told Obama how his tax plan would affect him (to which Obama responded with his spread the wealth around nugget?) Well he was on Neil Cavuto's show yesterday.

Here is what he had to say:

You know what I think is funny? Other than Fox News Newsbusters and Tammy Bruce's site, I have not seen anything about this. Way to ignore it MSM!

And speaking of Fox News. Here's what Obama has to say about the channel:

“I am convinced that if there were no Fox News, I might be two or three points higher in the polls,” Obama told me. “If I were watching Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me, right? Because the way I’m portrayed 24/7 is as a freak! I am the latte-sipping, New York Times-reading, Volvo-driving, no-gun-owning, effete, politically correct, arrogant liberal. Who wants somebody like that?

“I guess the point I’m making,” he went on, “is that there is an entire industry now, an entire apparatus, designed to perpetuate this cultural schism, and it’s powerful. People want to know that you’re fighting for them, that you get them. And I actually think I do. But you know, if people are just seeing me in sound bites, they’re not going to discover that. That’s why I say that some of that may have to happen after the election, when they get to know you.”

Nice. There is more in the article. Go ahead and read it, it's more of the same old same old, racial, white men don't vote for him because he's different...he's a black guy from Hawaii. It's all there, straight from the horse's mouth.
Could you imagine if tables were turned and the MSM was treating him the way they treat McCain and Palin? And he's complaining about one channel, which by the way Hillary thought was fair and balanced:

OK, don't throw tomatoes at me but I'm wishing Hillary would have won the primary. If McCain loses the election, I would have rather her be the one in the White House than Obama. (Horrors! I can't believe I am actually admitting this!)

That's not the job I want! and other stuff...

Did you hear about what Biden said at a Rally in Ohio today? You can read the whole story here, but here are some highlights:

Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden said Wednesday that Barack Obama's plan to rebuild the nation's crumbing roads and bridges would help reverse the loss of 240,000 jobs in Ohio during the Bush years.

Biden told an audience in this economically distressed battleground state that the Democratic presidential candidate's public works projects would create 2 million jobs nationwide, including 76,000 new jobs for the middle class in Ohio.

LOL OK if I lose my job I don't want to work building roads. By the way I don't know about your part of the country but where I live, when you pass these road projects it's about 90% Mexicans working out there. Let's face it it's hard work out in the elements with speeding traffic whizing by and little pay to boot. Not very desirable.

Biden said McCain and his vice presidential running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, don't understand the plight of struggling Ohioans, and he decried the fact that the median income of a middle class family in the state has dropped $2,000 in the last eight years

Well, according the the US Census Bureau the median income in Ohio in 1999 was $40,956, and the average median income for the years 2006-2007 was $48,151. And according to the department of labor the average yearly pay for road workers: $30,118.40. So according to this every point he made here is false. And by THE ONE's plan median income really would go down.

He compared a tax rebate from the stimulus package to a check that Alaska residents receive each year from the state government, a stipend from the proceeds of the state's more than $30 billion oil-rich investment account.

"If a $1000 rebate is good enough for them in Alaska, it sure as heck good enough for the people of southern Ohio," he said.

OK I think Gov. Palin needs to go ahead and thank him for this. That's right she did such a good job in Alaska that her people got this surplus back. Wow imagine that, instead of pouring all that money into the system she was able to give it back to the people.
Senator Biden is RIGHT the people of Ohio should get a $1000 rebate from the government. EVERYONE in America deserves to get $1000 back from the government every year. Gov. Palin has already proven she could do it for her state, she needs to show Washington how to do it for everyone! That's the type of person that we need as VP and with McCain's attitude towards pork, we could get somewhere here.

He also criticized Republican candidate John McCain's idea for the federal government to spend $300 billion to buy distressed mortgages at full face value and renegotiate them at a reduced price.

OK let me start by saying that I don't think this is the greatest idea ever but it's better than Obama's plan of a 90-day moratorium on foreclosures. So after the 90-days then what? Oh yeah, that's right, those people that couldn't afford their houses before, still can't afford them after 90 days and they get foreclosed. Nice try though.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

By the way...

Speaking of going to school. I got my grades for last term and I had straight A's again. So I am now officially on the Dean's List. YAY! I am so excited! Not bad for working full time and going to school full time and doing all the extra curricular family activities. But there is no rest for the weary, second term started yesterday.

Self Sufficiency

This one speaks for itself...

And that is the definition of socialism.

And there is this totally slanted piece but what more can you expect from Andrea Mitchell?

The part that gets me is the college student crying to Obama. OK let me pull out the world's smallest violin here. I am all about people going to college, but since when is it a right? How many people in this country have busted their ass to put themselves through school? How many people have taken out student loans or worked their butts off in school to get scholarships and plugged along and did what they had to do. I'm sorry that this girl didn't get scholarships to pay for her tuition and I'm sorry that she thinks she's above going to a school that doesn't charge so much that even after grants she's $24,000 in debt for what two years at the most (she says she's 19) and I'm also sorry that she didn't have a college fund set up. But plenty of people have been in the same situation as her and plenty of people have put their big girl panties on and dealt with it. And speaking as someone who has delayed going to school because I couldn't afford to pay for it and who now works full time and goes to school full time so I can afford to keep going, I don't care for her sob story. Go cry someone else a river. Show some character and help yourself instead of expecting the government and everyone else (who has already helped themselves) help you. You can start by getting a job, sure it's not as much fun to have to work while you are at school and yeah it really does make it harder but there are hundreds of thousands of people that have done it.

Self sufficiency, try it!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Who are you calling hateful?

Have you seen the shirts four Obama supporters were sporting this weekend?

Here is a story on them and some interesting information from Tammy Bruce

But that is nothing compared to this. It is so vile that I didn't want to put the image on my blog but you can click over and see it for yourself. It is beyond hateful and I want to know where the outrage is over this. The same outrage that we saw over the link between Obama and Ayers and all the other questionable associations he's had, to put it mildly.

Man on the Street

Here is a clip from Howard Stern. I believe it's the October 1, 2008 show. They had Sal go on the streets of Harlem and asked Obama supporters if they agreed with McCain policies. Of course they didn't know they were McCain's stances and they agreed. It's pretty funny take a listen:

Employee Free Choice Act

How many of you have heard of the Employee Free Choice Act? I heard the name once, can't even remember when, and then it was brought up to my attention by a lawyer. She said to look it up and what I found scared me.

Basically right now to unionize, before a private vote, there has to be a card check in which 30% of employees sign the card. Get 30% then there is a secret vote and if there is 50% +1 votes in favor of unionizing then it happens and the company and union negotiate terms of a contract until both sides come to a mutual agreement.

Under the EFCA the private vote will be done away with. It would be enough just to get 50% +1 during a card check campaign. What does that mean? That means that people could be harassed by their company and by the organizers, they will not have the opportunity to vote in private. How many people will really vote the way they want if they will be voting in public, open to scrutiny from not only their employers but also their fellow employees and reps. from a labor union. It will be taking the choice away from the employees.

Second, if they get the 50% +1 then the company has 120 days to agree to an initial contract before going to binding arbitration, the results of which neither the company or the employees will be able to appeal and will be valid for 2 years.
So again how exactly is it fair to let a third party decide what the terms of the contract that the company and employees have to abide by. They don't have a vested interest in either side.

Personally I feel that this can change business as we know it. I fear that it's going to financially ruin many companies, not only make it to where they can hire less people because of how much money they have to pay in comp and bens. but since they have to make up these loses somewhere prices will go up.

This is just a very general overview as I see it. For more information check out The Heritage Foundation.
It's really long but you can skim trough it and get a lot of very good information on this piece of legislation.

And who is for this?

Well, from the Obama campaign's position on the economy:


Obama and Biden will strengthen the ability of workers to organize unions. He will fight for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act...* Ensure Freedom to Unionize: Obama and Biden believe that workers should have the freedom to choose whether to join a union without harassment or intimidation from their employers. Obama cosponsored and is strong advocate for the Employee Free Choice Act, a bipartisan effort to assure that workers can exercise their right to organize. He will continue to fight for EFCA's passage and sign it into law.

From the Obama Campaign position on fighting poverty:

Ensure Freedom to Unionize

Barack Obama believes that workers should have the freedom to join a union without harassment or intimidation from their employers. Although an estimated 60 million Americans would join a union if given the opportunity, companies too often evade employment laws and deny workers the opportunity to organize and advocate for their rights. Obama is a cosponsor and strong advocate for the Employee Free Choice Act, a bipartisan effort to make the unionization process more transparent and increase penalties on companies that violate employee rights. He voted in favor of the legislation this year and will continue to fight for its passage. Obama also will fight to make the card check process more common and less difficult.

By the way this legislation would increase the penalties for unfair labor practices committed by employers during organizing but not for unions.

Statement of Senator Barack Obama on the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act of 2007:

Passing this legislation will mark the most meaningful action in years to restore the right of workers to organize for fair treatment, but we must go further and also pass the Employee Free Choice Act. Workers should be free to choose whether they want to join a union without fear of intimidation, coercion, or threats to their livelihoods. This bipartisan effort would make the process of organizing less vulnerable to employer violations by requiring card-check recognition and increasing penalties on employers that violate the law.

And he thinks that they will not be coerced in an open vote? Really?

This all comes off as hostile to free enterprise and like government interference with private companies. This is going to make us even less competitive in the world markets (Hello, Detroit and the American auto makers who are closing plants left and right, heavily unionized!) and most likely kill more jobs.

No it is not that simple!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Two More Down...

And a lot more to go LOL. I just officially finished my last American Lit. class and not a moment too soon. I have the biggest headache now. That class had that affect on me. Friday I took the proctored final and he had stuff in there that he previously said was not going to be covered in the final so of course I didn't pay much attention to those selections. Grrr.... So now I'm just hoping for the best. I'm really worried about my grade in that class now so we'll see. I know I got an A in my other class. We'll see.

I also ordered my Halloween costume for this year and here it is:

Except for the boots, I'm not doing the thigh high boots, I'll probably do strapy sandals haven't decided yet. And I've decided that we'll most likely do like a trick or treat after party but now my husband is mad that he'll be at work that night, but it's the only night we have and he doesn't like Halloween anyway. Plus I told him that he's taken a day off to go to some one's goodbye dinner he can take a night off if he really wants to be here for the party. Like he never does anything fun when I'm at work.

Creepy 2

Last night I went out with some friends and got home rather late. When I got back and got comfy I sat in the dark living room to check my email before turning in for the night. Everyone else in the house was asleep even the dogs. so it was nice and quiet and the only light was the light of screen. Then something caught my eye and I looked up and saw a dark shadow move through the living room from the couch I was sitting on to the chair and ottoman that I felt move the other day. And it wasn't like a shadow on the wall thing either it was like a dark spot. Weird but it didn't freak me out either.

Anyway, I got yet another article from Rasmussen similar to the one I posted yesterday. Once again it's a good read, shorter than the last too. Check it out.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

One More Thing

I have an op-ed piece from Rasmussen Reports that I got this morning. It has to do with what I was saying yesterday about Obama supporters suppressing people that speak out against him. It's a good read, check it out.

Today I'm having a total lazy day. I plan on working on some school work and watching a lot of college football and then later tonight I'm going to watch my friend's band play. But first I think I might take a little nap.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sign of things to come?

Have you heard about some Obama supporters were going to target those that ran negative ads about Obama? Read about it at World Net Daily. It's interesting. Apparently it's not just happening in Missouri but in PA also.

On that note, I would like to know why it is that the Liberal Media keeps accusing those not voting for their golden child as racist? I am so sick and tired of seeing these idiotic accusations. But who is really racist? Have you seen Scarface's comments?

And of course we remember Obamas words:


Just in time for the Halloween season, I had another creepy occurrence in my house last night.

After I got the little man to sleep, let the dogs out so they'd leave me alone, I settled into my over sized chair and propped my feet up on the ottoman and got to studying for my American Lit test today. I had all radios, TVs everything off because I didn't want any distractions.

About an hour into my studying I feel one of the dogs plop down on the floor in front of the ottoman and push it back against the chair, there had been about a 4 inch gap between the two. I leaned over to look and then remembered I was the only one in the room and both dogs were still outside. It was kind of like the time I went to the guest room to sleep because the snore fest going on in my room was too much and a few minutes later I felt Sarge jump on the bed but when I turned over to look there was no one there. It happens here.

I didn't make a big deal about it and got back to my reading and a little while later something caught my attention, I looked up over the rim of my glasses and saw someone run from my bedroom and across the foyer and into the dining room. I thought it might have been little man so I went to see what good excuse he had to still be awake at almost midnight but he was asleep in his bed on the other side of the house. Needless to say I was a little spooked by that one and I thought back a couple of weeks ago when I opened the bathroom door to find a person crouched next to the Clifford baby petting him, about two feet from the door. At first I didn't realize what I was seeing and I did a double take and when I looked again Clifford was alone. It looked like maybe it was a boy about 2 or 3 years older than my son.

Creepy!!! I was telling one of my coworkers this morning about what had happened last night and she said I surely have to have my Halloween Party this year. I'm going to see what I can pull off.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obama part of a Socialist Party?

I came across this piece of information earlier and thought it was interesting: Obama's Membership in Socialist Party
And from Suitably Flip

This is interesting. I wonder if the Media will be reporting on this or if it will be dismissed as another racist smear.

McCain's Last Answer

While Obama was talking about our country needing fundamental changes and that we need to change our country (For the record I love my country even with all it's short comings.) This is what McCain gave as an answer to the final question last night.
I thought it was worth posting:

McCain: Well, thank you, Tom. And I think what I don't know is what all of us don't know, and that's what's going to happen both here at home and abroad.

The challenges that we face are unprecedented. Americans are hurting tonight in a way they have not in our generation.

There are challenges around the world that are new and different and there will be different -- we will be talking about countries sometime in the future that we hardly know where they are on the map, some Americans.

So what I don't know is what the unexpected will be. But I have spent my whole life serving this country. I grew up in a family where my father was gone most of the time because he was at sea and doing our country's business. My mother basically raised our family.

I know what it's like in dark times. I know what it's like to have to fight to keep one's hope going through difficult times. I know what it's like to rely on others for support and courage and love in tough times.

I know what it's like to have your comrades reach out to you and your neighbors and your fellow citizens and pick you up and put you back in the fight.

That's what America's all about. I believe in this country. I believe in its future. I believe in its greatness. It's been my great honor to serve it for many, many years.

And I'm asking the American people to give me another opportunity and I'll rest on my record, but I'll also tell you, when times are tough, we need a steady hand at the tiller and the great honor of my life was to always put my country first.

I just wish he could be a bit more passionate the rest of the time. I'm just saying.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate 2 Very Very Random

I was thinking of giving my thoughts as the debate was going on.

Is it just me or were the first two questions pretty much the same?
And I loved how Obama had no idea who he would appoint as Secretary of the Treasury LOL. Imagine that, They made a big deal about Sarah Palin not saying where she got her news but he doesn't even know who he'd appoint and just went off subject.

Ooooh cheap shot from Obama. He has to correct McCain "not surprisingly"

So when Obama says we are going to make sure that people stay in their homes and can pay their bills does that mean we are going to pay it for them? What exactly does Obama mean by that?

Ok when answering the first question Obama said that he was going to make sure that we had road and bridge projects so that Americans can keep their jobs and be employed. Ummmm. When exactly was the last time Obama drove by road construction? Because around here most of the workers on these road and bridge projects are Mexican. LOL

Question 3: I'd like to know how much the budget has increased in the last 2 years since the Dems took over the Congress. Blaming everything on the Republicans.

What exactly is your energy plan Obama? What exactly is he cutting for all this spending?
What is at the top of Obama's priority list: Energy, good one! We don't have gas! What are you going to do about that? How are we going to be free of Mid Eastern Oil? HOW?? Health care, yeah yeah it's broken, what are you going to do. Education? What are we going to do about Education?

Hey Obama a big corporation employees me and tens of thousands of others, if you hike their taxes they'll have less money and cut back on jobs!

McCain is talking about ear marks but I just don't think he hammers it home enough. He lost so many opportunities, he was way too passive. He really needs to be more forceful about what is wrong with obama's plan and how his plan is better. he also needs to point out how the dems are the ones that got us in this mess with their backing of freddie and fannie going back to the last administration. He really needs to get more animated about what he has to say.

So what does 9/11 have to do with spending? Obama is going to tie it up for us. But I'm confused, what does what President Bush said after 9/11 have to do with now and the future? Military families and the troops compared to the Peace Corp? come again, how exactly?? I'm confused again

Share the burden? Of course people that make more money live high on the hog, they make more money! They did what they had to do to make it. I wish someone would point out how he's talking socialism! Come on McCain call him out on it! Forget that it's not fair for poor people to bear the burden, how is it fair that successful people have to give up more of their money?
And when Obama says that 95% of people will get a tax cut does that also mean the people that don't pay taxes now? You are just going to throw more money their way? They are the ones using the entitlement programs that we pay with our tax money and they don't pay taxes (cause they get it all back) and are you going to throw more money their way?

LOL McCain brought up Herbert Hoover, remember the Hoover camps? yeah, I wasn't around then either but that would be pretty dramatic. McCain nails Obama on tax increases on small business LOL that is so true! Those people that own small businesses pay their business expenses from their income and on top of that they are going to be taxed more.

OK Obama is going around his rear end to get to his point. Actually I don't think he has any real points, other than talking points.
So when he says that drilling is not the answer then what are we going to do until we come up with the alternative. Come to GA for a week and see how we have to scout out gas stations that have gas, and then say drilling is not the answer. What is the answer for NOW then? I'm getting pretty tired of having to stop when I find gas somewhere just in case I can't find any later when I really need it.
Thank you McCain for saying that drilling is vital! Vital to build the bridge! YES!

LMBO Health care: Obama says you can purchase the health care they enjoy as fed. employees. I wonder if their health care is anything like the health care I get as a military dependent because if it is then I don't want it. What a joke. The waits for appointments and to get prescriptions filled is just ridiculous! having to go to the ER because you can't get in to see your doctor when you are sick for like a week or having like a hundred different doctors and your primary care physician changing without notice, on a whim. I wonder if that's the health care they would be able to buy. Oh and if it is I hope they aren't paying less than I'm paying for it now.

Let's get on with this show. Thank you Senator McCain for pointing out how our country is good and we have defended other nations even with all our warts. And he was right about the surge. If we give them a set timetable for withdrawal does he Obama not think that the terrorists are just going to sit back and wait till we are leaving? And then as there are less and less troops there it will get ugly, our guys will be at a great disadvantage. But as long as we are getting out of there who cares. And if Obama brings up the past and what's done again I'm going to scream. We know you didn't want to go in there. Fine we get it but the truth of the matter is that we are there and now we have to deal with it the right way. Not just arbitrarily pull out because you don't believe we should be there or because it's the popular thing to say on your side of the aisle. You need to think not only of the lives and safety of our soldiers and citizens but also of the Iraqi people that will be left with a vacuum of power for any nutcase to seize control. Think Afghanistan after we wiped our hands of them when the Russians were sent packing. Yeah remember Bin Laden and the Taliban? Where and how do you think they took hold?

I wanted to finish this with McCain's last answer because I thought that was so telling. Where Obama was talking down our country McCain was saying how he thought our country was great and that he had hope for our country. When the transcripts come up I'll post it.
By the way did anyone else notice that anytime Obama said anything good about our country he immediately followed it with a but? Doesn't' that negate the statement? lol

All in all I must say this debate was super boring, we've heard everything before, all those questions have been asked. Whoever picked the questions to be asked should have done a better job, pick more specific questions or something. It was pretty lame.

Palin Confronts Heckler

This is a shaky video but worth the watch. Good for Sarah, she gives a heckler a piece of her mind

Franks Boyfriend

After Elmer Fudd had that little boyfriend who ran the prostitution ring from his apartment he hooked up with none other than an executive of Fannie Mae. Hmmm... conflict of interest anyone?

Again I ask, how the heck does this guy keep getting reelected?

Go ahead put it on my tab..

Just one week after we, the taxpayers, bailed out AIG to the tune of $85 BILLION the executives went on a plush little retreat to California. This little retreat paid for by the company, or since we just handed over $85 BILLION guess you could say it was courtesy of us. Read about it here.

You know what really ticks me off? Well let's just put it this way: When was the last time you stayed in a $1000 a night room and got massages at a luxury hotel? Yeah probably been as long as it's been for me, so why the heck are my tax dollars and your tax dollars being given to a company that will turn around and spend half a million on a little retreat for it's executives. My question is don't this geniuses, geniuses that ran a company into the ground, make enough money? Weren't their multi-million dollar bonuses enough that they could pay for this crap themselves? No wait, obviously they have no sense because, after all, they were right up there in putting us in this financial crisis, why stop now.

Here is a little video clip from the hearing today:

I love how Rep Cummings says they paid more a night for a room than most of his constituents pay on a mortgage of the house they are about to lose. Amen!

The Gavel has a copy of the invoice. Definitely worth a look. See it for yourself in black. They spent more in one week on hotel rooms than I did on my house! And it's our money people! And we just gave away $700 BILLION more how is that money going to be used?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Funny Reading

From The Daily Gut: Monday's Gregalogue

A letter to kids going off to college. A MUST READ! LOL

And now I'm going to bed!

I love this place!

I must say that I really really like where I live. Not too big not too small (for the most part) and close enough to the ATL that we can go there when we need our big city fix. I love how friendly people in the real south are too. I say real south because I'm from Florida, geographically more south than the real south but a totally different world! I swear once you cross the state line it's totally different.
I had my apprehensions about moving here. I was worried about how it was going to be, would it be boring and then I thought, hell nothing could be more boring than the Arizona desert! And hour from civilization! I fell in love my first day here and almost 6 years later I still love it.
I was prompted to write about my love for the south and Georgia and Columbia County in particular because I just had such a good experience at the Board of Elections this afternoon. I went at lunch to register to vote on the last day possible before the election because I forgot about the deadline and that it was today.(Yes I finally decided to go ahead and vote in GA instead of sending in another absentee ballot to be thrown away). I dreaded going down there, I had visions of long lines, bitchy people, grumpy, unhelpful employees, but was greeted with the complete opposite.
They had tables set up outside (It was a gorgeous day!) with forms and pens. One of the ladies that worked there greeted me and handed me what I needed and one of the gentlemen that worked there pulled a seat up for me. Everyone had smiles on their faces and were exceptionally nice. Amazing! It's things like that that make me realize I'm not in Miami anymore and then I just smile.

This is the first post I'm making from my new computer. YAY! I'm so happy, it's super cute, I love the designs on it and the features I've figured out so far are pretty nifty (I like that word). But I have been a horrible parent in the process of getting it. After work I picked up my son and just HAD to get my nails done. It's been over due but yesterday I broke one loading the old dog's food in the truck and I couldn't wait anymore. So we sat around and waited at the nail salon (they serve snacks though so little man was content) and then we just had to run clear across town to Best Buy to pick up the new laptop cause my husband was sick this morning and didn't make it down there. We didn't get home till bedtime so I know he's going to be grumpy tomorrow but he'll get over it.

Now I'm going to go eat my pizza and then take one of my finals. Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New Season

And I am up this late on Sunday for three reasons.

1. I'm emailing with Sarah.

2. I had homework to do tonight and I procrastinated all weekend.

3. Today was the season premier of The Girls Next Door. I love this show, it's so funny. Bridget is my favorite girlfriend. Anywhoo Desperate housewives is on when it first airs so I just wait till it reruns at midnight LOL worth the wait!

Spoiled Brat

That would be me. I woke up this morning and jumped on the laptop to start on some homework and it was frozen. I had to take out the battery to get it to turn off. So I'm on for like 5 minutes once I get it up and running and the screen goes black. I called my husband and told him I could not have a computer that is going to go out on me because I NEED it and when he got home we went to Best Buy and bought me a new one. Did I mention the one I have now I've had for less than two years? LOL Seriously though I really can't have a computer that's going to go out on me. So he's going to pick up by new laptop tomorrow morning and this laptop is going to him and the little one so they can do with it whatever they want and fill it up with cooties for all I care LOL.

Cool Website

Have you been to If you haven't I suggest you check it out when you get a chance. They do a really good job of exposing the liberal media bias.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Bill O Vs. Elmer Fudd

Did anyone watch Bill O last night? Well I didn't but I did see a clip of Bill going off on Elmer Fudd (aka Barney Frank). Is it just me or does Barney Frank look like a cross between Elmer Fudd and Peter Griffin from Family Guy? LOL

In either case he's a putz!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I've come to the conclusion today that I just can't have my yearly Halloween Party. :o( I am so sad. I really want to have it but I just don't have the time or the funds to do it right. I may just have people come over for a little after trick-or-treating get together on Halloween night.

I realized today that I have to sign up for next term like, today! I have to get the books and all ordered. I chose one but I can't make up my mind about the second class I want to take because I don't want to completely overload myself. I may just take the computer class and get it over with. But then I realized that tuition is due at the begining of next month, Yikes! I'm thinking I'll have to take out a student loan, which I really don't want to do but more than that I don't want to quit school again!

And now that my husband is on swings we're alone all evening and little man's boy scouts is going to conflict with my karate. grrr... every Thursday, I can't be missing every Thursday, those are test days. So we are going to have to work something out.

Well then, It feels so much better to let all that out! LOL