Wednesday, September 24, 2008

School Yard Politics

I've seen an article before about the Democrats being mad at about Lieberman speaking on behalf of McCain at the RNC. Now the Democrats in Connecticut want him to leave the party. Talk about partisan. This reminds me of being in kindergarten, when you are friends with someone who your other friends don't like and you get the threat: If you are friends with them then we aren't going to be friends with you! Isn't it time to grow up?

And of course John McCain has suspended his campaign to focus on our economic problems and passing some kind of bail out. Putting the people first. I love when Obama said they'd call him if they need him. Alright buddy keep worrying about getting yourself elected until then, the rest of us will worry about our economy tanking.


Sarah said...

Speaking of school yard politics, you have to watch Studio B tonight. Shep is reading the seating chart for the meeting with the president and who isn't going to be sitting by whom and he's like "is there going to be a kid's table?" LOL

Ronda said...

No one is putting the people first. It's about political gain. Notice he showed up at the debate when he realized he made a stupid move PR-wise in Mississippi.