Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Certified Non-Moron Part Deux

LOL So I sent Shepard Smith another email during the Strategy Room this evening that he read. He had been complaining that he couldn't hear Fred Thompson speaking so I wrote him and told him he couldn't hear him cause he wouldn't shut up. LOL So he read it and said "Roxy, baby! You can click on any of the streams above and watch it live if you don't want to hear me." LMBO That was hysterical. He totally missed the point of my email I want to listen to him that's why I'm watching the Strategy Room instead of watching it on CSPAN or something. I'm putting off doing homework, and everything else for that matter, to watch cause it's really entertaining. I was just pointing out to him that if he'd shut his trap for a couple of seconds he'd be able to hear what's going on.
It was a great feed tonight. The highlight for me was of course his ragging me out on "the internets" and when they all spontaneously broke out into God Bless America. It was great right up until they got into a heated argument over abortion and Shep got pissed and walked off the set. I joked with Sarah that he probably just went for a smoke break but then he never came back. Hmmmm... He talked about people having their panties in a wad all night but I'm thinking he's the one that had his panties in a wad. Still it was super entertaining and I'm hoping he'll get over whatever it was that made him so moody tonight and be back tomorrow. If not then I guess I'll get more homework done.


Sarah said...

So, I'm sitting in class today and all the sudden, I think "Roxy Baby!" LMAO!

Roxy said...

LOL It was classic! I told my mom she thought it was hysterical too.