Friday, November 7, 2008

Weighing the Options

A couple of days ago The Army Dude and I were talking about our next move. We had said before that we would like to go somewhere in the North East or Mid Atlantic. But my friend Sarah brought up Alaska and that set the wheels turning. Back when we lived in Germany a friend of mine and her family moved to Alaska and I talked to her when she was there and she went on and on about how much she liked it. In fact everyone I know that has been stationed there has loved it. I really wanted to go to Alaska then and was really pushing The Army Dude on it (not that he has any say anyway). Once we got to Georgia I fell in love with the area and got used to the heat and thoughts of Alaska vanished from my mind faster than a snowflake in our part of GA.
I told The Army Dude, who was not at all interested in Alaska last time, and he actually thought that was a good idea. He went on and on about the hunting and fishing there and said if we were going to Alaska he wanted to buy a 4-wheeler to take hunting in the summer. Today he bought one. YAY! Those of you that know me and know how I don't like the cold, or the snow, are wondering what the hell am I thinking. I know it sounds weird, especially coming from someone that didn't want to go to Colorado because it was too far and too cold (by the way we are still scheduled to be there Monday!). Alaska is different, it would be like a totally different experience. I know we would not live there were it not for the military and I would love to be able to have the chance to live there if even for 3 years. Now we just have to see if the Army is as enthusiastic about sending us there as we are to go.


Sarah said...

Since I prompted the idea, you have to let me come visit! LOL

I wonder if they'll get a lot of new blood there b/c of Palin? I've heard so many people talk about how nice it'd be to live there latley.

Why are you still supposed to be in Colorado on Monday?

Roxy said...

I was wondering the same thing and you know you can come visit!

They haven't changed his orders for some reason so it still says that his report date is Monday. I don't think so!

Sarah said...

I was like OMG are they skipping out?? LOL