Friday, November 21, 2008

This Week's Developments

Can I just say TGIFF (Thank God it's finally Friday!)? It's been on hell of a week.
It started Monday, I still wasn't feeling well about five people asked me if I was pregnant, too many cars in front of every CVS on the way home so I didn't stop. Tuesday, still felt sick, went to a sushi place for lunch with some girls from work and the overpowering smell of raw fish smacked me when I walked in and I thought I was going to lose whatever I had eaten the day before. Someone else asked me if I was pregnant, stopped at Walmart got a test, wasn't.
Wednesday two of my good friends got laid off (I'm so sad about this).
Thursday, still don't feel well, passed my Karate test, received red belt (YAY!) felt so bad I almost didn't make it through and things started to go downhill after throwing one of my male classmates three times, luckily that was with about 10 minutes left in the test. The Army dude wasn't feeling well so he left school early and stopped by the studio on the way home to watch the rest of my test which was a nice surprise, and then he says he's impressed with how well I'm doing because he didn't think I had it in me when I started. Gee buddy thanks for the vote of confidence!
And today it's finally Friday and we found out that the Army Dude is no longer on assignment for Colorado (WOOO HOOOO!!!!). And I find out that, according to my political theory text book, I am a right-wing extremist. Apparently, anyone that isn't in step with Al Gore on the environment, is against the government raising our taxes and miss using what they are already taking from us, is for the Second Amendment and thinks Socialism and Liberalism is suspicious or bad is a right-wing extremist. And by the way if you are a right-wing extremists are also racist OK... that's news to me... I have a whole laundry list of complaints about this book, there are a lot of margin notes where I have written "Is this guy serious?" "What the hell?" "This never happened!" and so on. But that is another post all together. But at least we aren't going to Colorado! And knock on wood that we don't end up somewhere worse!

By the way the Army Dude had a good idea for bailing out The Big 3. Since OPEC makes so much money off of us driving around in our SUV's and such and because without The Big 3 and their gas guzzlers OPEC would stand to lose money, OPEC should bail the car makers out. With all the money that we have sent to these "friends" of ours they can bail out our car companies and send that money back our way. It's a win win situation, Our tax money doesn't bail them out, they get their money, and OPEC keeps them in business to make more cars that will need more gas. What's not to love? Army Dude in 2012

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Right-wing extremists unite!

Congrats on passing the test...the karate test LOL