Wednesday, November 5, 2008

She had it all wrong...

A couple of weeks ago I posted this clip from the Ellen Degeneres show where she goes off on Sarah Palin wanting to change The Constitution to ban gay marriage. OK at that time I pointed out the obvious that the one was against gay marriage also but that's beside the point.

Here is the clip:

So Prop 8 passed in California yesterday which defines marriage as between a man and a woman.
So it looks like Ellen maybe should have spent less time bashing Gov. Palin about how she would supposedly change the constitution (apparently where Ellen comes from VP's can do this) and spent more time actually campaigning and telling her fellow Californians her story and why she feels passionately about it. Gov. Palin was not her enemy when it came to gay marriage, her neighbors were.


Sarah said...

Thank you! I was so glad it passed for THAT reason alone and I'm not even really against gay marriage!

Ronda said...

One more loss for equality in the United States of America.
If Ellen just told her story, she'd be the one getting bashed instead. Ellen can't change the minds of a bunch of haters and ignorant people.

Sarah said...

Oh give me a break - care to back that up with substance or just call people names?

Ellen has been telling her story and the media and people have embraced it. If the country was so anti-gay as you seem to think it is, Ellen wouldn't have a TV program where she could openly talk about being gay. There is a huge difference between the gay marriage issue and being anti-gay and I'm so sick of people pretending that's not the case.

Ellen had an issue with Sarah Palin and she used that to go after her. The truth is Barack Obama campaigned on defining marriage as being between a man and a woman as well. She's no better than people who truly are ignornant and ARE homophobic (let's face, it's always going to exist as is racism, sexism, elitism, and antisemitism all of which are very nasty) because she abused her power to promote an agenda.

If everyone would do their own reasearch and stop drinking the media Kool-Aid, they'd know Alaska has more rights for gay couples than a ton of other states all thanks to Sarah Palin and her desire to uphold the Constitution.

I'm not trying to call you out but I'm sick of people being small-minded and making assumptions about other people without knowing why they do things. I'm tired of being call names because my positions are not understood.

Ronda said...

Palin is an idiot.

"There is a huge difference between the gay marriage issue and being anti-gay and I'm so sick of people pretending that's not the case."

Sorry, but I see NO difference. That's like saying, well, I have nothing against gays, but you guys still don't deserve equal rights. I'm tired of people playing both sides like that.

Banning gay marriage = homophobia

Roxy said...

Palin is an idiot? she put herself through school...had her own small business with her husband...was mayor of her town...governor of her state...ran for VP...raising 5 children... I'd say she has had a pretty accomplished life full of things that an "idiot" wouldn't be able to pull off. What have you done? If you are going to call her an idiot back up the claim...and if you do try backing it up with something other than the left wing talking points.
Calling people names because they believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman puts you in the same category as the real homophobes that hate gay people. Guess you are no better. Some people believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman because of their faith. But I guess that would make them what????

Ronda said...

When it comes to Palin my opinion stems from how she conducts herself as a politician. Her personal life is very low on the importance scale. All of the main candidates that ran this year have great personal accomplishments under their belt. Her family life certainly doesn't make her more or less worthy of her position in politics.

"What have you done?" Why is it even necessary to compare our lives? Palin is 20 years older than me and we have completely different goals in life. I've succeeded in my life, because I'm very happy with my life. I imagine Palin is happy with her life too. So yay for both of us, LOL.

Just watch the news and there is plenty evidence of Palin's idiocy. For one, Africa is most certainly a continent.

It's easy to just poo poo everything negative by calling it a left wing talking point. Whether left or right, some talking points are actually correct.

I'm not name calling. I'm telling it like it is. People who want to ban gay marriage because of their faith are homophobic and/or ignorant because of their faith. I don't see how saying it's their faith makes it any less homophobic or ignorant.

Roxy said...

You know what Ronda, just because you think something doesn't make it fact! You have still not given me ONE specific example of anything. Calling someone an idiot like that is pure opinion so do me a favor and quit trying to pass it off as fact. And I'm comparing your life to hers because if you are going to call someone an idiot, it is a pure opinion especially since you are not backing it up with a single fact, then I'm proving a point about how that opinion is relative. And don't say that her thinking Africa is a country is proof because I haven't heard that come straight out of her mouth, I did, however, hear Obama say he had visited 57 states, and I did hear Biden say that jobs was a three letter word so there those are our fearless leaders.
And please do me a freaking favor and don't call people that are against gay marriage homophobic on my blog. I have very close family members that have absolutely nothing against gay people, I have gay people in my family that these family members love and think the world of (both them and their partners) but because of their beliefs they do not believe that marriage should be anything but between a man and a woman. You "claim" to be open minded or whatever but you are every bit as prejudiced as them if you are going to call them names because you don't agree with them. So why don't you let other people have their views just the same way you want to have yours. It runs both ways.

Ronda said...

So you're going to down Obama and Biden because they said stupid things, but Palin gets a pass? She couldn't even answer about what newspapers she reads.

Hey now, I never said anyone couldn't have views that disagreed with mine. Using your logic, it sounds like you're saying I don't have the right to an opinion different from yours!

I look down on people who don't believe in equal rights for people just because of their sexual orientation. If being against discrimination qualifies me as closed-minded individual to you, then I'm gladly closed-minded by your definition. BTW, I'm personally offended by the "marriage is only between one man and one woman", as an American citizen and a non-heterosexual myself.

To me, it's not fair that people get to support the ban on gay marriage, yet I can't call them for what they are for doing that, but I'll respect your wishes.

Have a good one.

Roxy said...

This is the last thing I'm going to say about this because you are missing the whole point of the post anyway just to spew your vitriol.
Not being able to and not wanting to say where she gets her news is a big difference and it doesn't make her an idiot. You can look down on anyone you want but don't accuse people of being something because they have different beliefs. The original post was about someone bashing someone else, like you are doing here, when that person isn't the one that took her right away. It would have been enough to say that it was "One more loss for equality in the United States of America." But then you have to say that if she would have just told her story she would have been the one to get bashed instead. So what instead she should Bash Gov. Palin? and those "haters and ignorant people" are the ones that they were getting to the polls to vote for the candidate she, Ellen, supported, they are the ones that tipped the polls in favor of Prop 8 and without them it would not have passed. Sarah Palin had nothing to do with it quite the opposite. Stay classy Ronda.

Sarah said...

You have to check out Greg Gutfeld's blog today - he's got a great post about the gay marriage stuff! LOL