Monday, November 24, 2008

Real(?) Housewives

I got hooked on Real Housewives of Orange County a couple of years ago. It's fun to watch and see what those ladies are up to and how wonderfully spoiled their kids are. It was just fun.
Then came Real Housewives of New York. Not as fun as the original but it was OK. This time around it was fun to watch how self absorbed the ladies were and give commentary about what I think the maid is thinking when one of the ladies keeps barking orders at her (get it yourself B**!!!).
Now they came out with Real Houswives of Atlanta. When I first heard about it I thought OK now this is going to be good, this is going to be like the original but choc full of southern belles showing them what the south is about. Yeah not so much. It's a bunch of northern transplants that think they are the best things since, well actually there was never anything better than them. The season is now over and Bravo had a marathon going Saturday night. I watched a few episodes before it finally got to unbearable to watch anymore. It was painful really. I really hope that, if they do decide to revisit the ATL that they find people that are really from here instead of these clowns. I have never seen a group of people that were so stuck on themselves. There was the self proclaimed "power couple" they were awesome, or so they thought. There was the one divorcing her football player husband who is demanding a 7 figure settlement because she wants to keep the same standard of living and fabulousness, because she is "it" in her own mind. There was the wife of the basketball player who needs a full staff including estate manager and chef and maids and such to do everything for her because she's so busy doing nothing that she can't do anything for herself. And the single mother who plopped down 18k on her 11-year-old's birthday (WTH?) no doubt funded my her married sugar daddy. The last character was actually real. She seamed like the poorest of the bunch and she tried but you can take the girl out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the girl. She was my favorite one though.
That show was a HOT MESS!

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