Monday, November 3, 2008


That's Election day and it'll officially be election day in about an hour and a half.

I'm going to go stand in line as soon as I get off of work tomorrow and the more I think about it the more I wish I would have voted early. I know who I'm going to vote for so what was I waiting for?

Someone told me something Friday night that made me think about where people get their information from. This is someone that, back when I actually liked Obama (horrors!), told me they couldn't stand him and that he would be the worst thing that could happen for this country. This same person told me they would not vote for McCain because he'd put that stupid woman in the White House. ??? So I asked said person why she thought Sarah Palin was stupid and she said "Don't you see what they say about her on The View and Regis and Kelly?" OK seriously? How about doing some research on the matter instead of believing what they say on a show where they also say that slavery is legal under the Constitution. So I tell her that you can't take what they say on those shows as fact because it's opinion and she says, "I've heard her talk in that stupid way she does talking about we have to drill she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about." This is the same person that when gas was $5 a gallon in September and none of the gas stations had gas she was bitching about needing to drill. Kool-Aid drinker.
This same person wants me to take her to the polls. HA!
But it really does go to show you that what those idiots say on the View and other dope shows like those sways people. Granted it's people that obviously can't think for themselves but how many people are like that? Hopefully not enough.

Did anyone watch Chris Matthews on Hardball. I didn't either, but I came across this clip of Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour. He totally one-up's Chris.

He can't do anything but agree with Gov. Barbour. I wonder if Barbour gave him a tingle...nah.

And have you heard the RNC's latest robocall? It's pretty good actually:

On to other things:

Yesterday we went all the way to Atlanta to enjoy some yummy Cuban food. I had been craving it all weekend. My mom told us about a new restaurant in Alpharetta called Mojito's Grill. Let me just say it was worth the 2 hour drive! That's the best Cuban food I've had since I left Miami. I had the chicken steak, which is my favorite Cuban restaurant meal, and it was fantastic. I ate so much I thought I was going to be sick and then when we told our waiter that we had driven from the other side of the state, he gave us free dessert. I chose Tres Leche, my personal favorite, and it was fabulous! There was no way I was going to make the drive all the way back home after eating all that. I was surprised I made it to the car! They get two very enthusiastic thumbs up! We also took advantage of being on that side of the state and went to visit mom for a little while.
I must say I was surprised at how many Obama signs and stickers we saw when we came into Atlanta and when we first got off the interstate. Maybe we are just sheltered here but we noticed that as we started getting into the better areas, and the suburbs they became very few and far between and it started to look like our area, about 1 obama sign for every 10 McCain signs. I don't get how some polls are saying that GA is so close now. Not from where I sit.

And with that let me remind everyone who cares to read this how important it is to vote tomorrow, if you haven't already done so.

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