Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Who forgets to vote?

What kind of people forget to vote in a run off election? People like me. After all these weeks of watching the commercials and hearing about the run off in the news and even going to the rally yesterday, today I forgot. Luckily I tuned into the news and they mentioned it yet again. So with half and hour to spare I ran out and voted.

Sunday evening, when we got back from our trip, The Army Dude checked our messages and told me I had one, it was a robo call from Michelle Obama, very funny. She said thank you for supporting her husband, then I deleted the message, obviously it wasn't meant for us because we didn't support him.

Yesterday we went to see Sarah Palin at the Saxby Chambliss rally. When we got there the line to get in was down to the corner, by the time we parked and got it line it was wrapped around the corner and half way down the block and there was a steady stream of people getting in line behind us. We didn't get too close because the floor was standing room only and I still wasn't feeling too great so we sat. Decent seats but I was just glad to be there. She was great, the energy in the place when she came out was great. She was the only one to get a standing ovation and she spoke longer than everyone else put together. I have some pictures but I haven't had a chance to download them. As soon as I do I'll put some up.

When we got home we decided to take a little nap and I was sleeping really good when the phone rings. When I answer it's Obama's voice urging me to vote for Jim Martin. What?? I got woken up for that!? Another robo call this time Obama of all people? It was actually rather creepy.

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