Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Busy Little Bee

That's me!

I have been super busy lately. That's why I haven't been able to post much, although, trust me, I have wanted to!

Like I said before, last week I got sick just in time for Thanksgiving and didn't start feeling better until Monday afternoon. While I was sick I slowed down on school work because I couldn't concentrate so now I have to pick up the pace. The term is almost done, today I did the final for the political geography class and now I have to finish working on the term paper for political theory which is due next weekend. We also have our town Christmas parade that little dude is going to be in again this year (we have to set up the float Friday too) and of course the SEC Championship is Saturday as well, ROLL TIDE! and next weekend is little dude's birthday. I can't believe he's going to be 7 already.
Oh and did I mention the Army Dude has a new assignment. Looks like Korea. I don't really know what to think, I'm relieved in a way that we get to stay put but then again I want to go with him. I love to travel and to experience new places and Korea would be so cool. I've had a couple of friends who have been there that liked it and one of my good friends lived there when her dad was in the Air Force and she loved it too. We've done the year separation before so we know what that's about but it wont hit me until he leaves and we don't know when that will be.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

And you did it all without having a breakdown and going to the mall LMAO

So Korea is definite now?