Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas!

Actually it's been looking like Christmas but at my house we are officially ready for the holiday!

For the last two nights Little Dude and I have been candy making fools. We made pumpkin fudge (sounds weird but it is really really good), and pralines (it's been really hard not to eat it all lol) and tonight he wants to make more so I'm thinking we'll make chocolate fudge.

Today I braved the mob and finished my Christmas shopping. I woke up bright and early and made my way down to the mall, which was pretty empty that early, and took advantage of the sales to buy $500 in winter coats for $100. I love getting a good deal. Then I went from wally world to wally world looking for cammo seat covers for Army Dude's truck. There was only 1 left at the first one, so I left and went to the other store and they only had 1 left too. Do they order these in odd numbers or do people only buy 1? And who the heck would buy just 1 seat cover? Weird. So this time I bought the 1 seat cover and went back across town hoping that no one felt the need to buy just one seat cover.

Speaking of Christmas shopping, Little Dude and I went to Target the other day to do some more Christmas shopping, we were walking through the books when he spots a book with Obama on the cover. He picks up the book, reads the title, looks up at me and says: "Ugh mom, the last thing I want to see when I walk through the store is a picture of Obama on a book. That is one book I will not read. I just can't believe he is going to be our president!" OK, thanks seven year old dissenter. I keep telling him that those are things that a seven year old shouldn't worry about but at the same time it brings a smile to my face.

All that we have left to do is wrap all the presents, which for me is 100x's worse than having to brave mobs at the store and the traffic jams to get there. That will come tonight, unless something better comes up like another family tournament of Mario Kart!


Sarah said...

A couple of things...

Pralines - send me some! LOL Or don't, I could eat those all day!

Obama Book - that is freakin' hilarious!! You are raising that boy right :-)

Wrapping presents - Why do you hate it? That's my favorite part - I volunteer to wrap everyone's LOL

Roxy said...

I just can't stand wrapping presents. If you lived closer I'd send you all my presents to wrap and pay you in pralines! lol I did get the Army dude to wrap some while I took little dude to Publix this morning.