Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Part of the Problem

Don't ask me how C-SPAN 2 ended up on our TV but we've been listening to Greg Simon spew to students from American University for about half an hour now. And what exactly is he talking about? The merits of raising gas prices to $4 an gallon again to subsidize other things.
And why? Well one of his reasons is because the government knows how to spend our money better than we do. When it came up that people wouldn't be happy about the government raising the price he said it isn't about the individual but about the common good. OK what ever.
Then when discussing the cons someone brought up high food prices and he said that people would just have to buy local and eat what is grown locally and in season. OK so how about the people that live in the North where fruits and veggies don't grow in the winter?

Here is the video. It's really long but you can watch bits and pieces of it to get an idea of what this putz was saying.

And by the way who is Greg Simon. Well if you watched any of the video you would know by now lol. Seriously though, he used to be the chief domestic policy advisor to VP Algore and has recently been named to Obama's transition team. Sign of things to come.

1 comment:

Greg Simon said...

Dear Roxy, Who is Greg Simon? I am Greg Simon. And if you had actually listened to my talk i was not supporting raising gas to $4 gallon. I was asking the students to analyze the issues about such a thing and to think how they would address them. That is what I do in this class. I am not in the government, was not speaking for anyone else. Please listen to the values I was promoting in my talk and then decide if you think I am a putz for asking people to be truthful, treat people with respect and try to think about other people's perspectives. And as for local food, check out Jennifer Wilkins' work at Cornell -- a place that knows cold weather. Keep blogging, but please be respectful. My day job is running FasterCures to help cure diseases, check out our blog at www.fastercures.org
best regards, greg