Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Latest

There is a possibility that the Army Dude will be going somewhere in Korea that I can go with him. Last night we briefly talked about it but we didn't really go into details. We just talked about him possibly not finding out till he gets there and how it would be difficult for me to get everything situated here to go over there and do we really want to do that for one year. I think he's right, there would be an awful lot that I would have to do: get the house ready to rent, get our stuff packed and shipped, do something with the boat and four-wheeler, and so on. But then I thought about what a great opportunity this would be for the Little Dude to see a different part of the world (like really different not just Europe different) and I would love to get that opportunity for myself as well. Then I went back to thinking about having to leave everything here to go there for a couple of years only to come back here. And then I thought about how not many people get a chance to live there, and then I thought that this PCS (permanent change of station) is already putting a hold on expanding our family and if I go it would do so by an extra year. But it really would be an exciting opportunity. I don't know.
And speaking of our family planning. I had the Little Dude young. And when I had him we said we would not have another one until he started kindergarten. When that time came I really didn't feel like I wanted another one, I guess I wasn't ready. Now I'm ready but it's a bad time. If he does go for a year that would put me at having another baby when I'm 30. I thought for sure that I'd have a second child when I was 26 maybe 27. When I think that I had Little Dude when I was 21 it seems like such a long time and it makes me wonder if maybe I waited too long. I don't realize how long we've waited until I think about what age I had my first and what age I would have my second.


Sarah said...

I don't think you waited too long - sometimes things just don't happen as planned (I know, you probably want to slap me for saying that, but I am learning that the hard way).

As for Korea, that's such a hard decision to make! What are you leaning towards?

Roxy said...

Yeah we were talking about it the other day and saying that it's funny how things work out, we didn't plan to wait this long it just happened.
I really don't know, I keep thinking that I would love to go and then I'll think of a reason why I wouldn't. My latest is the dogs, would it be a good idea to take them and would Sarge make the trip.

Sarah said...

Aww, I know how it is to worry about moving your dogs - I cried the first time I moved Gabby because I figured I was making her miserable.

You'll figure out what the right thing to do is. Can you still go to Colorado? LOL I'm don't even know for sure that he'll get to go do you?

Roxy said...

Yeah we don't even know that. He thinks that he may be going somewhere that you can take your families but we don't know anything for sure yet.