Sunday, December 7, 2008


Finally! Here are some pictures from the Chambliss rally last week:

This first one is a view of the line. This is actually about halfway through the line. Here we were standing at the corner, that building in the distance is the James Brown Arena.

We got a kick out of this sign:

Gov. Perdue introduced Senator Chambliss:

Senator Chambliss and his lovely wife:

And of course, the reason everyone got up bright and early to stand in line out in the cold, Gov. Palin:

It really was great, mother's took their young daughters, high school kids went with their friends, men and women both went wild when she came out. She really has gotten people into politics that normally would not be. I would be willing to bet that most people there that morning would not have stood out in below freezing temperatures if she was not going to be there. I wold have rolled over and gone back to sleep under my nice warm blankets myself.

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