Saturday, December 6, 2008


I’m supposed to be working on an assignment for the Political Theory class I’m taking, not to mention the term paper I have due in a week. I can’t think of anything that I want to write and instead I find myself watching game shows with the Little Dude on GSN. We’ve been watching GSN (which is Little Dude’s new favorite channel) for the past 2 hours and I’ve come to realize that they will turn any and every idea into a game show. I’ve also come to realize that Little Dude is an old man trapped in a little kid’s body and that anything and everything will distract me from doing my school work.
Earlier today Little Dude was in the yearly G’town Christmas parade, on the Cub Scout float. It was so much fun. There is nothing like a small town parade and this one does not disappoint. The starting point is in one of the first subdivisions when you come in to town, that’s where all the floats and bands line up, and it goes down past the fire and police department and city hall about two miles to the IGA. The participants throw candy to the crowd and if you sit in the right spot (right at the start of the parade route) you can get as much candy as you would going trick or treating with none of the effort. I have to download the pictures I took today and I’ll post some.
Speaking of pictures, Army Dude downloaded all pictures that I had trapped in my camera. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll have some time to post pictures from the Saxby Chambliss rally. But first I want to finally get down to the Christmas tree farm and buy a wreath and work on these last two assignments for this term (yes really work on them). By the way I just got an email from the professor from the other class. I got an A on the final, add that to the fact that I got an A in all the assignments turned in and YAY!!! I survived that crazy lady’s class! HA!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congrats on the A!