Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Two Days to Freedom

Well for two weeks at least. This Friday I take my last final for the summer term. I can't wait, I'm so tired and I feel brain dead from all the studying.

Speaking of which. This is a funny clip about my absolute favorite reporter ever! Courtney Friel John Scott says it all:

And I liked this cartoon:

Michael Ramirez
Copley News Service
July 15, 2008

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clipped from

US PRESIDENTIAL candidate Barack Obama's plan to make a grandiose gesture to history by speaking at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin this month seems to have backfired after German Chancellor Angela Merkel sharply criticised the idea, causing a political spat in a country Senator Obama hopes to charm.

 blog it

Someone tell BO he hasn't been elected yet. Like Ms. Merkel I thought it odd that he wanted to speak in front of the Bradenburg Gate. Why? He's running for president here not there. Hmmm... Maybe he should run for president there, they speak more than just English, but he doesn't so that probably wouldn't work out.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

awwww you shouldn't be mean to the world's best reporter!