Monday, July 14, 2008

Life can Change in a Minute

Shortly after getting to work this morning I get a call from one of my managers asking me to tell our VP and another manager that one of our maintenance guys had fallen 30 feet from the roof. He had massive internal injuries but as of quiting time today he was out of surgery and doing well. Things weren't looking good this morning and it's a great relief that things were looking better. I couldn't help but think of him and his family all day. They woke up this morning and everything was normal, same as every other day and from one minute to the next, actually from one second to the next their lives changed.

Makes me think of this part of the speech that Shepard Smith gave at the University of Mississippi Commencement Ceremony this year:

Speaking of life changing, I was so sad to see the news Saturday morning that Tony Snow had passed away. He always seemed like such a good, decent person and I am really sorry that he is now gone. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

On a happier topic: I must say that whoever thought of those big inflatable water slides is a genius! LOL My friend and her husband rented one over the weekend for a bar-b-q and I swear the grown ups had more fun on that thing than the kids. I woke up Sunday feeling like I'd been hit by a truck but it was so worth it. I think it would be a great investment to buy one. I'd definitely get one of those before a pool anytime.

1 comment:

Ronda said...

I'm very sorry to hear about the accident. Sounds very similar to what happened to a friend's family. They worked in construction, so you can image the risk is there.