Sunday, August 24, 2008

What would the odds be?

You know what I think would be the absolute best thing ever? Something that would make the DNC the best TV watching of the year. What if by some miracle the Hildabeast were to get more delegates during the roll call vote? WOW! Can I just say that I would laugh my butt off if that happens, I think I may even have to vote for her if she did. Oh well it would be funny anyway.

Here's a clip of Joe Biden showing his support for John McCain on The Daily Show:

Maybe McCain should have asked him first. lol

By the way, yesterday I was out to lunch with little man and this guy seated at the booth next to us notices the news on one of the TVs where they were talking about obama picking Biden. So he turns to his wife and says, oh look he picked Bid-on (as opposed to saying it byden lol). He then proceeds to look at the TV and the speeches from IL like he is so into politics and all I could think was hey, you don't know what you are even looking at, you don't know anything about this, not even how to pronounce the guys name. Which of course wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't been a candidate earlier this year and if they haven't been talking about him all the time for the last few weeks. It was kinda funny, guess you had to be there.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That irritates me so bad when I am with people who are watching the news and they don't know what they're talking about!!! It even bothers me when they're talkinga bout the news anchors. I was at work one day and they had ED on and they were calling her "eddie" I wanted to say NO NO NO NO!! LOL