Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sore Losers

As I've said before I don't follow the Olympics. I lost interest in the Olympics about the same time that I lost interest in Barbies, a long time ago. I have been reading articles about it though and one thing that has stuck out at me is that there seems to be a whole lot of sore losers competing. It seems like people are quick to blame someone else because they didn't win. How about blaming them for just being better? The US female gymnastics, she fell off the beam because she had to wait too long? Really? I loved the one where the US baseball team said the Cuban pitcher intentionally hit one of our players in the face. Mind you it hit his bat first and then bounced up and hit his face so I say the Cuban pitcher is really talented to be able to throw the ball, have it ricochet off the bat and hit the guy in the face. Bravo to him! LOL The US team lost that game in the 11th inning by the way. And the American boxer who thought he was winning so he quit throwing punches and turns out his opponent was ahead. How exactly is that anyone else's fault?? Why blame someone else? Why not just admit you had a bad day or, dare I say it, the winner had a great day (gasp!).

Today we finally got around to start working on the flower beds in our front yard, for the first time this year. I've decided to go super low maintenance and plant ornamental grass, so I don't have to worry about it dying on me and it cost like $30 for all of it, 1/10 of what I paid for two palm trees last year that died. So we get back from the store and we start raking back the river rocks I paid someone $100 to put in there last year and about 10 minutes in we hired the kids next door to finish LOL. I am not the outdoor type of person and I'd be just as happy to not have a front yard at all. In fact, to make the weeding easier on us instead of the crap landscaping fabric we had put out last year under the 3 tons of river rocks, we are putting down painters tarp this time LOL. Note for the future: Landscaping fabric is no good. We had better grass in the flower beds than we did in the rest of the yard.

Took the puppy to the vet yesterday and he's now 24 lbs and has red mange. Poor baby. I have medicine he's got to take for the next 6 weeks or so. And today he got a battle scar from Sarge, that's what happens when you don't leave the old dog alone. He got him just above his nose, right where Sarge got his scar when he was a puppy. But now they are sleeping side by side.

And tomorrow is the start of a new week.

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