Friday, January 30, 2009

Wierd Week

I just want to crawl into a cave. There have been so many things going through my head this week that have made me think: What the heck is wrong with people???

First of all, we all know that the economy is doing bad, we have seen how many people have lost their jobs, its on the news all day everyday. At work we have had to do a lot of things to cut costs and are looking at everything non-value-added thing we do. There are a few things that they have decided to keep in for the employees, such as incentive programs for hourly attendance (which I brought up for review again, this time with numbers that got my VP's attention), service awards, and so on. Well all I have heard this week is why didn't I get the attendance bonus, when are you giving me my packet for my service award...STFU!!!! Seriously people? In times like these don't you think you should be happy to still have a job? I seriously think that some people need to get their priorities straight and worry about still having a job instead of stuff that the company voluntarily gives them.

Then yesterday I was emailing my friend Sarah when, for a reason totally unknown to me, my mind went off on three different tangents at once and I started thinking of someone I know and for some reason I thought for the first time the very sad fact that she makes more than I make, at my respectable 8 to 5 job, in tips as a stripper that she does not report and receives wellfare. She doesn't just make more than me she makes more in a couple of days than I make in the whole week. So not only is she making all that money where she doesn't need wellfare but she's not even paying taxes on any of that money and she's getting benefits. WHAT?? OK wait a minute, why are we busting our butts to provide for our family when we can just cheat the system and get money from the taxpayers? I feel like I'm being had! Well actually I could never do something like that because I take pride in my job and I'm proud to tell people where I work just like I'm happy that my child loves to tell people where I work. I'd hate it if my child told strangers that when his mom goes to work she dances on a stage with a pole. Little surprise here but this person is from the same family as the friend who told me that she was mad her kids didn't vote for Obama because they needed to vote for the one that would keep them on wellfare.
How do people say things like that with a good conscience? I would never dream of saying something like that. It seems like some people expect the government to pick up where their parents left off.

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