Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Little of this and a Little of That

Here are just a few things that I found interesting today.

Yesterday I posted about the race baiters on GMA staging a fake racist encounter.
Well I came across this other segment on that same race baiting series:

Ugly Americans

OK so please explain something to me: What exactly is the point of planting two - bad - actors in a Parisian cafe to act like a chricature (on steroids)of the "typical stupid American tourist"? What exactly are they trying to prove? I sure don't know because none of that is real, all it is doing is puting this grossly exagerated perseption out there for people to react on and to stir the hate again. And don't you love it when the reporter comments that OMG they ordered steak tartar well done! OMG what an elitist snob! If someone doesn't know what steak tartar is and they order it well done anyone with some sense would explain to them what it is not ridicule because of it. It's another American hating fake news report.

By the way, I've been to Paris and neither I nor any of the Americans that I went with acted like that and none of the Americans I encountered there acted like that and the French people that I came into contact with at restaurants and the metro were all polite and friendly. Same goes for when we went to Normandy where there were even more Americans (none of which acted like this fake couple).

On another note: Let me play the proud parent for a second. I was going through the Little Dude's notebook today and looking at the papers he brought home from school when I came across this sealed envelope from the counselor. I thought oh no what is it (no faith!). When I opened it up it was a permission for to test him for the gifted program! YAY! I'm so proud of him. He doesn't really understand what it is and he was a little hesitant to take the test because he thought he would get in trouble if he failed or that he would have to leave his class (and he's in love with his teacher) if he passed. But after I explained what it was to him and that both his father and I took and passed the test when we were in school he got excited about it. Actually he got excited when I told him I'd let him play wii every day for a week if he passed LOL. Nothing like some motivation!

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