Friday, June 12, 2009

Where have all the real men gone?

A few days ago David Letterman made some derogatory "joke" about Gov. Sarah Palin and her daughter:

Since when is it OK to make "jokes" in such poor taste about someones daughter? The kids are supposed to be off limits right?
And lets think back to those awkward teenage years. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to have someone as famous as David Letterman say something like that about you? How mortifying.

Well here is the response:

And where is the outrage? Geared toward Gov. Palin's response:

Gov. Palin and Matt Lauer:

I can't believe that Lauer is actually standing up for Letterman. What he said was disrespectful, it doesn't matter if it was about a 14 year old or an 18 year old. Either way it is still degrading and uncalled for. And to turn the tables around and say that Gov. Palin is in bad taste for her comments in response is as bad as the original "jokes". Lauer should be ashamed of himself. I wonder if he would have the same feeling about it if it was said about one of his kids.
Matt Lauer and Shepard Smith, because Smith was also defending Letterman tonight (if I find a video for it I'll post it later, are no better than Letterman. They may not have said it but by defending him and attacking the Palins' response they are part of the problem. I can't believe we live in a world where dirty old men are allowed to say such disgusting things about a young girl (of any age) and they can get away with it. I also can't believe that there are other "men" out there that actually defend this disgusting behavior.

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